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JPM installed an AI chatbot to their service. To the moon 🌙
Dude I literally said JPM calls the other day
Next you're going to tell me that JPM adding a chatbot to there work flow doesn't make them suddenly an AI company
Also NFLX, and JPM before that. All 3 of these stocks are trading in such narrow ranges after earnings that central banks of managed currencies would have been proud.
Actually I don’t think it will drop that low. The reason for the drop yesterday is covered well by JPM downgrade. Essentially the near term outlook is not good because of the design changes but long term still an overweight rating with a 330 price target.
>WhY Is eVeRyThInG so EXPeNsIvE? *Whilst typing on a $1000 $AAPL iPhone 15 Pro Max and slurping down a $7 $SBUX drink in a brand new $TSLA Model X funded by a 8-year loan from $JPM or $BAC*
JPM calls![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)
Airlines still cancelling flights. JPM brokerage services still partially fukt. Lotsa stuff still going on tryna bring systems back up to full throttle.
I am going to drink a half gallon of RO-filtered water, half liter of coursely-ground, lightly-roasted organic coffee, eat 18 cherries, take a fruity poopoo and watch jpm take a poopoo too
I bought calls on JPM and made a little money a week or so ago
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