Lumber Liquidators was an inside job!
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Interm Muni ETF Vaneck

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28.5. ITM when I bought them. Several strikes OTM now that ASTS has shit the bed.
Bc they only trade in 5c increments and premium was 40c on a $2 stock sold itm at the time (which puts my basis under all time low on a stock I want to own). If I could’ve closed at 1c I would’ve
SAve your money for the next NVDA dip, then buy long dated (like 6-12 months out) ITM calls
The few times I've bought ITM options, they've still finished OTM
I don’t think I’ve ever bought an ITM option
I can’t believe market makers pulled it all out at the last minute to fuk with the ITM calls. That’s a huge price movement in mere seconds. How did they do that?
I have two INTC 10/18 24 C that just went ITM! I really didn’t expect that. Hope it holds.
MMs couldn't let the $10 calls be ITM on witching day
MMs couldn't let aapl 235 calls be ITM on witching day
RH liquidated my $79 WMT calls for $2 each, they were ITM + break even 9 min later ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
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