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The fed thinks they can policy their way out of this one but the rot in the US economy goes much deeper. The unfettered M&A of the last 25 years has created a catastrophe. There is frighteningly little producer or retailer competition for so many things you buy. Companies like PG, J&J, Hormel, Conagra, Cargill, etc., dominate their markets so completely that they can substantially increase prices without fear of competition. Same goes with retailers with many markets having competing retailers far apart geographically, limiting competition.  Americans have been bamboozled by weak antitrust actions and big barriers to entry. 
That's truly a special level of stupid
Yah LiDAR lol. That’s like saying the vision of a fighter jet pilot is better than the radar in the nose of his jet
These comments make me realize how dumb this entire group is. Considering Tesla to be only a car company is hilarious. They are a charging (for MOST EVs), software, insurance, solar, robotics, AND car company. They are still undervalued, with no account of the future.
It is not a car company….
Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible. To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting. We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible. This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include: * Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?". * Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again. * Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
Of course, just wait for the fake announcement on blackwell architecture powering a breakthrough on fsd.
Yeah, over a half million dollars….
So you’re saying there’s still a chance for my bags ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
It’s of no consequence that he is selling. He is famous for dumping Facebook META stock in the early days before it blew up hard. Just a sign that he wants to 877CASHNOW his investment
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