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Hardware companies are always valued less then software, because of how much more investments they need to make to make a $. INTC also didn’t innovate and didn’t create new markets, they just sold PC components for desktop users and servers. This worked until everyone had to buy a new pc every few years, but not anymore since hardware does not advance as fast. NVDA is more of a software company, because they design cheap and then send it to tsmc to produce them. Also NVDA was always looking into other ways of making money, and they invested heavily in AI, and it finally paid off. And nothing has really changed about INTC lately. Yeah they invested heavily into the new lithography, which will allow them to make slightly better processors in the future, and have slight advantage over tsmc. But they still don’t think about how they will make money using this new tech.
China is going through an economic downturn. Their own people can't afford BYD cars... so they have a huge stockpile of them. China is trying to sell BYD for cheap over seas because their own people can't afford them.     *edit: #[US will not accept Chinese imports decimating new industries]( >Yellen used her second trip to China in nine months to complain that Beijing's overinvestment has built factory capacity **far exceeding domestic demand**, while fast-growing exports of these products threaten companies in the U.S. and other countries. If you look further than just this article you can find pictures of BYD's vehicles being stockpiled. Don't take my word for it... do your own research.
I remember people screaming that Trump will put minorities in concentration forward to today, the very same folks are now vehemently antisemitic.
It does go down for periods of time and that’s the point. Imagine how many people with this attitude are just always buying calls and shares and get caught up in a few bad weeks of market corrections. That shit can wipe you out fast if you’re not careful. That’s why it’s best not to assume. Yes, historically the markets have gone up over a large swath of time, so if you plan on investing money over a year or longer period in SPY or similar you’re most likely going to profit. Most day traders and swing traders aren’t playing the market like an investor, and that’s why it does matter if there’s a red day or week here and there. Timing is everything in this market, even for long term investors.
Dude you completely undervalue the output of the original American companies that build cars. These are talented companies who have basically created fast little murder tanks with armor so strong that it can protect us from the most gory of fates. There is strict regulation around automotive vehicles and there will be an entire fleet of untested Chinese cars on American roads. This cannot be allowed in our country without strict scrutiny that benefits from bipartisan support. Our American workers have a say in this. So let the tariff stand and we will build the next generation of the finest murder tanks.
Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible. To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting. We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible. This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include: * Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?". * Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again. * Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
That’s all well and good but those can become worthless so fast. You can’t think you can build wealth over the long term this way. Riiiiight?
Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible. To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting. We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible. This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include: * Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?". * Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again. * Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
It's my favorite fast food joint on earth. Go there almost every day - I'm just saying, $5 meal can't be producing a lot of profits.
I don't understand why everyone is looking at the headline "U.S. to Announce New Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles" and the takeaway is that you should be buying TSLA? No. Who has actually seen a Chinese EV in the United States? Exactly. They do not exist. So the headline of 100% tariffs on EVs from China is absolutely meaningless. The real substance to these tariffs are the things the United States actually imports. So if domestic EV makers really aren't being hurt by Chinese imports then who are? So let's look and see who actually stands to benefit from this? Looking back, Biden in 2022 introduced the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and one key part of that was tax credits for domestically manufactured solar panels. These credits which are called 45X tax credits \[1\] provide credits for clean energy components domestically produced. So this on paper seems like a boom for domestic solar manufactures. Now, let's talk tariffs. As we all know Trump loved his Chinese tariffs which included solar panels in 2018, and Biden after taking office decided to extend them in 2022. However, as part of that extension Biden also provided an exemption for Bifacial Solar Panels, which at that time only accounted for a small percentage of the imported solar panels to the United States. Fast forward two years and bifacial solar panels account for 97% of imported solar panels. So today we have 14.25% tariffs on solar panels and 0% on bifacial solar panels due to the exemption. Well again 97% of the imports are bifacial (see Reuters link dated Apr 25 below). So if solar companies can get additional tariffs and new tariffs for bifacial panels they stand to print money hand over fist, they become a monopoly effectively. In 2024 First Solar will receive over a billion dollars in cash from the US government for simply running their business \[4\]. So what was the catalyst for this change? Well the First Solar (FSLR) CEO Mark Widmar. Mark has been lobbying congress and the Biden administration for nearly two years for these tariffs. And I can assure you Tuesday is going to be a celebratory day for Mr. Widmar. As recently as Mar 12th 2024, Mark Widmar CEO of First Solar gave testimony before congress \[2\]. As a result of this there was a bipartisan push for additional solar tarrifs, on January 30th senators Ossof, Brown, Rubio, and Warnock urged the Biden administration to increase solar tarrifs \[3\]. Again this was drafted by both democrat and republican senators, so the likelihood of losing these tariffs if Trump came back is slim to none, especially when Trump has talked of even more aggressive tariffs. Not to beat a dead horse but a simple google search will reveal how long First Solar (FSLR) has been pushing for this. So I think it's pretty obvious that they are the ones who stand to benefit from this and not EV makers. So for every idiot you see mention TSLA or RIVN, ask them: How many Chinese EVs have you actually seen? And then maybe you will all see how congress makes money trading, they distract you with bullshit headlines meanwhile they trade the footnotes and make a killing. Read these references and if you disagree...well then you my friend are a true regard. Apr 25 2025 US solar panel makers seek import tariffs to protect new domestic factories []( Apr 24 2024 Solar manufacturers petition U.S. to impose tariffs on imports from four Southeast Asian nations []( Mar 5 2024 First Solar CEO says tariff exemptions threaten U.S. efforts to ramp up domestic solar manufacturing []( Feb 6 2024 US Solar Manufacturing Climbed During Tariffs, Trade Panel Finds []( Sep 20 2023 First Solar Urges US to Get Tough on Trade as Module Prices Sin []( 1. IRA 45X Tax Credits: []( 2. Mark Widmar First Solar CEO Testimony: []( 3. Senate Solar Tariff Memo: []( 4. []( Positions: 05/17/24 205C , 06/14/24 220C
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