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you are quite regarded... If you have a stable job, you should be terrified of a market crash. You think a market crash is just numbers on your phone goes down? You'd probably lose your job despite the fact you think it's stable. Then if you have mortgage, car payments, kids, etc, you are quite fucked.
This ignores the fact this sub is for degens who take out loans to buy TQQQ.
Lol...that is exactly my point...how do you not infer that from what I wrote? People are picking two or three instances in history where the markets tanked after rate cuts and using it to predict what will happen every time a rate cut cycle begins...conveniently ignoring the fact that markets have gone up more times than not after rate cuts started And FYI...it's not my information...it's research done by a global investment research company...funny how you can call out actual facts that were obtained through research as not having any merit...but whatever
Thank you. I'm okay with however it goes. I like the company, I like the stock, and COST is about 1% of my liquid NW so it won't make a difference. My holdings are up 90% (purchased in 2021/2022) which is double the leeway I'd like to take a risk on holding. I would not buy the company today but I am more than happy to hold onto my shares. I wouldn't sell them unless the underlying business changed dramatically. Since I'm up 90% I can wait the 8 years and if they're flat I'll probably only barely have lost to my index funds. I understand they are priced for perfection and that is inherently risky, but their moat (branding) is well taken care of and some grand openings are requiring a police response. That's pretty crazy. There are a few legitimate bear points, but my primary concern is the fact that it is a perfectly run company– eventually somebody foolish may be appointed CEO or board of directors and damage their moat and branding. There are easy ways they could monetize better and double the stock price– at the cost of their brand. Growth may be slower, but I'm OK with that– I have index funds that I hope deliver returns. I hope COST beats them (doubt it, but we'll see). It's also cool to show up to your favorite store and see every cart filled with $500 of crap when you're a shareholder. Makes me feel like a big shot doing due diligence when all I do is buy index funds. It's fun to think about that sort of thing and would be boring if you didn't own shares. Lastly, they are one of the few companies that display an old-school sentiment about how to run a company. They are one of the last few holdouts against true unchecked corporate greed. I like how they (usually) promote from within (cough, Kroger guy) and treat their employees.... okay (but great for retail). I expect that to change a bit with the Kroger guy, which is unfortunate. TLDR: I like COST and I'm OK if it doesn't perform. My original comment was more of an irony because of the historical returns and Costco's reputation rather than a thoughtless expectation of continued returns.
PE firms have different time horizons when it comes to fund cycles, they typically follow fundraising, investing, and exit. Some of it is firm mandate, client driven, business model (think agriculture vs software), etc. If there is a bubble in private equity, it's not because of the holding period. It has to do with the fact that many firms are sitting on dry powder and have to deploy cash quickly to generate returns. The underlying problem with has to do with valuation inflation. The offset to this is if a firm is truly creating operational value add to the business and focused on EBITDA expansion rather than arbitrage in valuation multiples, then it works out. On the flip side, it can create a bubble, essentially it becomes "flipping" when they focus on multiple arbitrage, which has happened more recently due to the availability of cash.
"Lines out the door" don't matter. The only line that matters is that the RATE of new membership grows. Not the fact that there is a line. We need to look at the derivative of membership rates. >Are you autistic or something? You must be dumb if you don't understand this basic concept for membership based businesses. This is what separated Blockbuster from Netflix as a future dead model vs. a successful new business model. Having customers do an extra and irrelevant step to drive them away BEFORE the money changes hands is dumb.
I wasn’t comparing their competence. I was comparing their shameful valuation and the even more shameful fact a great deal of that is government support. I don’t get why Boeing is still allowed to make commercial airplanes at all.
I don’t have my crystal ball with me, but I can tell you one thing that is a fact- more people lost money preparing for a bear market, than lost in an actual bear market. Why to try and catch the edge of the spear? Join the move as it happens.
I’m a bit disappointed(?). Where are the unknown, niche companies? Maybe they are developing a crucial bit of software, or durable metals, or technology for waste management, and on and on. Admittedly, this is the point of AI present… 🤦‍♂️ these math models repeat back to us — what we collectively already know — in novel ways. And I suppose there are only so many companies in each sector, & the explanations provided by the AI suffice. BUT this list is a regurgitation of this sub, which makes sense, given that LLMs use Reddit to train their models. I suppose the greater point here AND the bottom line is… definitely invest in these companies. Aside from the fact that these are behemoths of today and tomorrow, their dominating presence online also ensures their enduring inclusion in lists like this that LLMs spit out. Which means they get talked about & invested in more. And that spawns further cycles… until it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hm… It seems I’ve somehow talked myself into investing in these companies, despite my initial skepticism, LOL. Good list, OP. Hope you make bank!
Sounds like a solid strategy though, however, The fact that the V’s have been happening for 9 days straight makes it less likely for it to happen (statistically speaking) as then it would become a 10-15 day streak which is even more unlikely than a 9 day streak of Vs
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