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I’m optimistic. Need maple syrup and heavy oil from somewhere, Trader Canuck’s fill that role nicely. Their weird ball-less ice game is OK too. EDIT FROM: Your weird ball-less ice game is OK too. Sorry to lump in a ‘Murican with the Soviet Canuckistanians.
> The rule does not impose any new requirements on businesses. Edit; > Final assembly or processing of the product occurs in the United States, Dude...
Please enlighten me with the data to back that claim up. Sounds like something he pulled out of his ass. Edit: Found the data and he's wrong. USA is worse than the EU even if you account for outsourcing per capita. Both in CO2 and energy.
Man. That would be an absolute nightmare. Probably half or more commercial airliners suddenly being grounded? Wow, suddenly it’s $3000 each way to fly between Detroit and Cleveland and you have to book minimum of 6 months ahead of time. And the ripple effect would surely throw us into a recession or worse. Hope this is hyperbole. EDIT: I obviously missed the point. Please disregard.
[]( Industrivärden owns 186,200,000 shares, giving them a 9.2% share of capital and a 27.9% share of votes. Geely owns 137,940,474 shares, giving them a 6.8% share of capital and a 15.5% share of votes. EDIT: So apparently you linked to the wikipedia page of a company you weren't really talking about. In that case my numbers only apply to the company you linked, and not the topic of this discussion.
Why? Down 99% from ipo price and I just checked out their website… I could make it look 5x nicer using wix 😭 edit:99.86%
Do explain  Edit: I looked at you post history, and I don't need any explanation.
Literally to the grave Edit: you should take 3 hours and research how accurate yahoo, just find the top story of each month from 2021 and do a little check to see if it's good.
From your own link.    Owners   AB Industrivärden (9.1%; 27.9% votes)  Geely (6.8%; 15.5% votes) EDIT: [](
I've imported my own JDM vehicle, so I'm very familiar with the laws surrounding this. Next time you get in a Prius, find the sticker that shows origin. Edit: ok you're right about the Prius. Gonna have to dig deeper into how the chicken tax works than I thought.
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