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This place is awesome to [\_Review-g34916-d6998039-Reviews-Malone\_s\_Steak\_Seafood-East\_Point\_Georgia.html]( Delta brass be having lunch in here.
Just Russia and part of the Middle East. And it’s still not the point… Taiwan is more than TSM.
Hey how about a big cup of whataboutism. Never said Donald is the bestest candidate in the world he is an idiot. But well an idiot that had 4 years of presidency without any new wars, a pretty controlled border thanks to the agreement with Mexico and the first time in many decades where low and middle income Americans had higher income gains than rich people. He has a record. You know what you get and despite what the media and Washington establishment tried to tell you it wasnt bad. It was actually pretty damn decent for americans and the world if you look at the outcomes ( peace agreement in the middle east, exit from irak and syria, avoided a war with iran nuking the revolutionary guard guy when they became uppity but avoiding stupid retaliation when they exploded a firecracker on a navy ship resulting in a quiet stalemate with Iran scaling back their fuckery ... ) . He is also a sleazy motherfucker who most likely groped anything close enough to come to his mushroom dick. Kamala has NOTHING apart from absolutely tanking multiple election campaigns, ending people's life for petty offenses she wouldn't have needed to persecute amd apparently treating her staffers like shit. Her career as a junior senator must be one of the most unremarkable careers in history. Nobody wants to see how she would do as president ( also his closet corpses seem to be quite modest if after 6 years of INTENSE trying the only thing the establishment could stick on him was a fake russia dossier, a conviction for an accounting crime NOBODY EVER has been convicted of and for keeping copies of documents he legally owned as the president and could have made public while being president. Not saying ne smells of roses but he seems much cleaner than i imagined he even paid his taxes lol ).
In-N-Out is amazing, and all your East Coasters are missing out.
SLAs usually are like, oh we missed 10% uptime? you can get 20% credit back for the quarter, not really sure why there will be lawsuits, companies are responsible for their own disaster recovery strategies (aka if crowdstrike took you down, your own company is equally as shit) source: my job is literally making sure my company doesn't get fucked by a vendor outage on any front, if us east 1 goes down and you can't make money, that's on your ass, the AWS credits ain't gonna be shit
>Unless there is wide adoption of localized (like, at your house) solar/wind sourcing available soon The mileage cost of EVs is already lower than compareable gas cars today, with a projection of falling costs. Meanwhile, low gas prices are dependend on government subsidies and bombing the middle east every decade to keep OPEC in line, so high political risk. Electric grid and supply will grow with demand, because that's how we do things in a free market. I don't know what you're waiting for. >Rolling brownouts and limited temporary outages are already very real. That's just factually untrue fearmongering. Brownouts used to be much more frequent than they are today, and the ones that we still have are usually connected to extreme weather events or Texan politics.
I would say definitely correlation. Ive been to Yemen (Prior to USS Cole and 9-11). Not this destination though. It produces nothing except misery and Qat. It is competing with Somolia for the most impoverished country in the world. I have never seen such abject poverty and medieval living conditions. As a result of my visit several years ago, my ears perk up at its mention. I must confess i didnt research Torm Inc and was responding mainly to your oil assertion. And despite my username, I know very little about the industry. So i read a bit on Torm and some recent News on Yemen: Torm claims to operate 96 vessels and do specialize in moving refined petrochemicals. They are mentioned in the Feb article from Reuters (below) stating that they are not using the Red Sea due to the hostilities. That may have changed of course. Yemen, to my surprise, does (or can) export oil and petrochemicals. However the Houthis have embargoed export according to Wikipedia (likely outdated). But as expected, their total export (all not just oil) in 2013 was $7b with total GDP of $61b. Cringingly small. Global commerce is unlikely to ever be affected by Yemen. The uptick in violence is due wholy to Iran who's normal proxies are unavailable and offline due to the Israeli-Palestine hostilities and thus have to fall back to their second tier (opinion there). Did you buy Torm options prior to the 5% spike? As i had never heard of them, i would expect very thinly traded and wouldve been a bold play on your part. Yemen's Wikipedia Page: The Reuters Article:
It was Asians as a whole even east Asians
Who is going to be the popular candidate to coalesce around? I have seen names tossed around and they were mostly East Coast types that I’ve never heard of. Most of the country doesn’t care about the governor of Pennsylvania.
Not just tech, if china gets Taiwan then they gain access to the deep water submarine ports off the east side of the island. Currently their subs have to traverse the shallow South china Sea, but with Taiwan they can send them straight into the Pacific.
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