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What do yall think about ATM puts on EBAY for earnings? Thinking about yoloing simply bc they should be effected by declines in consumer spending like everyone else
I’m thinking EBAY puts
Interesting info. But there needs to be a catalyst for people to be routed and panic sell. We're in correction mode now on the NASDAQ. Facebook who also owns instagram and WhatsApp are pretty much integral to people's lives. It's hard to see this changing. You put a ton of money into Facebook advertising, and I guess many other businesses too. If you don't put into Facebook, where else would you advertise your business? There are only a few places for people to "gather." Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok. People don't gather on Amazon or Snapchat to watch people park badly or to get their cute cat or dog daily fix. People don't gather on Google. Or on any platform as far as I know. OK I left out Reddit, but it isn't quite the same. I think many other online businesses don't have much choice but to keep pumping money into online ads. Yes more Temu, more Shein, more Ebay adds. When I doom scroll instagram, I see so many video shorts about how you can join up to make lambo money by investing property, subletting remotely airB&B, use A.I to make faceless videos with a few clicks, there must be a lot of people that still have faith in instagram because why wouldn't they go straight to Tik Tok? Instagram is quite clever because they always put the most controversial comment to the content at the top so you are more likely to engage. For example, say it is a video about Veganism, the Carnivore comment rises to the top. The only way these social media platforms will die is if something better came along. Or we start rejecting them because it is turning our society to shit. ... Facebook has a neckline of $400. Is this support? This is my only technical analysis. Remindme! In 6 months
There’s still hope for a GTR! They’ve got some great Japanese 1:43 scale models on eBay. They’ll go perfectly on your desk next to whatever computer you’ll be able to afford after pawning the MacBook Pro… Maybe a Chromebook after some back alley work behind Wendy’s?
That's a parrot take. By the same token Amazon eBay rose. The rise of Nvidia is all that's similar to it.. and people overlook what Nvidia is bringing to the table; just the chips right? Just like Cisco! Wrong. Nvidia is being smart and is creating a full on ecosystem.. not just the hardware. Earth 2.0 is a beautiful example of that. There is only one way Nvidia could be overvalued.. simply if it's vision isnt resonating within the market. If it does.. it's apples to oranges. They are working on AI on every level. With the rise of Ai there is one way Nvidia could drastically fall.. and that's when cloud ai solutions arent necessary anymore.. meaning local ai can be as effective for the personal and small scale operating. But with the kinds of ai solutions being developed, that's not likely but that's also probably a moving goalpost; better performance = better functionality. The comparison would be closer to truth if Cisco; Was an isp with global reach. A network hardware developer A front end and backend website developer A application platform developer. Where all the solutions it provided would reinforce each other in an eco system based on the rise of the internet. Imagine Cisco being at the forefront of it all, that's when you are drawing good comparisons.. and that's when it wouldn't have fallen.
My system is older but currently I am unable to do anything with it through the official Sonos app. The app will simply crash when opened. The only course of action I have been given is to do a factory reset on all devices and see if it corrects the issue. I am seriously considering just putting my system on eBay and moving to another manufacturer.
Short ebay
Fuck Amazon. They fucked up my deliveries in the past cost me $800+ and also my start up Amazon credits that was astronomical even when I turned them off and the usage metrics was baloney because I’m damn sure I wasn’t using it. I decided to go with Ebay/target for online shopping and Microsoft Azure for my start up. It’s much better and many YCombinator ones prefer Azure these days. AWS days of market leadership in cloud are numbered.
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