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DigitalBridge Group Inc - 7.125% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser J

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About DigitalBridge Group Inc - 7.125% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser J

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My calls could use a pump, j Powell style ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
You realize monetary policy is independent of the current administration and the current chair of the federal reserve J POW was appointed by Trump.
Congrats J Powell m, now go print some bills
Big lots -> Bankrupt Conns -> Bankrupt 99 cent store -> Bankrupt Lumber liquidators -> Bankrupt Hooligans auto parts -> Bankrupt J powell -> economy is fine This has been the last 3 months also....
Thank you J Powell 👍🏻
https://preview.redd.it/epb5x8op2ppd1.png?width=2717&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5c4887b1087736d2e87bf78242d6fe1fb4514da J power is a great guy
I suppose you can put the blame on J Powell while your at it
I entered the short position as a hedge for my long equities in case J. Pow spooked the market. My thinking was if 50 is already priced in then it will either be: 1) Surprise 25 cut ->TLT tanked 2) J Pow has to be perfect in his statement to dangle some hope into the market for a blow off top rally or we get a sell the news situation. I was hoping for a rally in equities and bonds after Jpow statement. He didn't deliver. Anyways, the hedge worked out but I am not happy making money on my hedge lmao.
#J O H N S O N
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