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Ahhhh the warm, comforting blanket of conspiracy theory. As opposed to the cold, hard truth that no one knows anything, no one is in charge, and anything can happen at any time.
Us GDP is 70% consumer spending. The big boys are the first ones to get cold feet when it starts getting stormy, who cares if they get lower rates for future projects if they believe (or end up realizing) no one will be around to buy their shit if the consumer and the middle class dies
Cold world?
You mean forget you had a cold lol
Unless you wanna have a fun cold.
Well, 25 points would have been the salve, 50 is xanax. Now, you don't get prescribed xanax for common cold.
Oh you mean literally cold temperature wise.. Okay.
Cold atmosphere? It's literally the coziest atmosphere imaginable at a roadside restaurant... Da fuq? Wood burning fire too during the winters.
Cold atmosphere, slow service, hard uncomfortable furniture, and filled with old people. Food is ok, but overpriced. Their customer base is dying out, they will need to completely reinvent themselves in 5-10 years or go bankrupt. I don't see anyone under 60 frequenting their store unless their boomer dad is paying and specifically requested the family eat there.
In a forest deep, where the rivers flow, A beaver and bear began to grow A bond so strong, built on trust and cheer, They roamed the woods, far and near. The beaver, with teeth sharp and bright, Would gnaw down trees, from morning till night. The bear, with paws so large and strong, Helped move the logs as they sang their song. Together they built a dam so high, Underneath the vast, blue sky. The beaver carved, the bear would lift, Their friendship, a most perfect gift. But one day, beneath an oak so tall, A walnut fell, with a beckoning call. The bear’s eyes gleamed, his heart grew cold, For in his paws, he held pure gold. The beaver smiled, his tail did thump, But the bear, with greed, began to slump. A choice he made, dark and grim— The walnut’s lure was stronger than him. With a mighty paw, the bear did shove, His beaver friend, whom he once did love. He took the walnut, cracked it in two, And left the dam, their work now through. The beaver watched, with tears in his eyes, As the bear walked off, under darkened skies. The dam stood still, but the bond was torn, A friendship lost, forever mourned. For in the forest, wide and vast, Not all things built are meant to last. And though the beaver’s heart did break, He learned a lesson for friendship’s sake: A bond built strong must stand the test, Of trust and care, above the rest. For walnuts may tempt and promises sway, But true friends never turn away.
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