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You guys keep saying it’s f%&d yet unemployment numbers are great, inflation dropped a ton and we just got a .50 cut with another .50 to follow. First time I’ve ever seen that at ATH’s. Why not just ride the tide that’s a lot of good news
I got assigned for AVGO. :( But I get to get back into GEO :D
Chuck D drives a Ford. You now know everything positive I've heard about the Ford Motor Corporation in the last 52 years.
Don’t feel bad my friend. I did the same thing at $564. Not that many contracts though :D
Get to prepandemic levels?  I work in big tech, specifically in product R&D.  Our department was ~400 pre pandemic, up to ~600 at the start of 2023.  We’re down to currently 110 with more layoffs likely on the horizon at the start of 2025. We were told at the start of 2024 that we had to “find $60 Million dollars in our departments budget.” Several other departments were also told the same in varying tens of millions of dollar amounts.  Our leaders keep asking why work has basically halted and things aren’t moving like they used to. We all just stare at them then say “well you see, we had 6x as many people 18 months ago… now we have 1/6th that amount. And you changed all our roles, fired all our project managers and product owners, and half our designers and developers… Mainly the highly skilled mid to senior level ones and left us with a bunch of Juniors… soooo yeaaahhh.” 
Theyre doing transgender surgeries on the rate cuts D:
Chop off 0.50% of his d*ck
g-d damn it!
>Nah there's plenty of housing available, it's just too expensive if there's plenty available but it's not selling, they would drop the price. if houses are selling anyways, it's not too expensive. the houses are being bought and people are living in them. but there is a housing shortage and it's driving the high prices. inflation is not whether the price of a good is higher, it's a general price level across the economy as measured against a basket of goods. it should be neutral as long as it is kept low and stable, such that wages can keep pace. so house prices going down would be good, but a "long correction period of deflation" [would be devastating](
Because we’re going to: A) Buy puts at the top B) Buy calls at the bottom C) Buy some idiot’s foreclosed house for pennies on the dollar D) Profit Any questions?
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