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If it's long term then I'd say Indian cause our economy gonna go BOOM BOOM in the next couple of decades.
4288 UNITS! BOOM! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Next step is to sell wigs and ladies panties. Boom - you've got the they/thems
I Got fed up and voted against Gelsinger and the whole lot of them. I mean the biz plan/story is Subsidized Fabs in the USA in an unstable world during an AI computing boom, and what do they do? They keep falling and can't get up.
Thats awesome!! How down are you on Itel? Depending on the dollar amount still might be worth it to go into something like SOXX and capture them all. You can set limit buys for the future when it rises if you don't want to pay attention but still want to own Intel. I'll I'm saying is your money in Intel is dead weight for the next 5 years at least. New CEO, failed business dealings, behind the 8 ball on new manufacturing plants, and also they are more into consumer chips, which doesn't do anything for the AI boom. Ie personal laptops and PCs.
I agree wholeheartedly, but I also feel like there will eventually be a saturation point. The key is to sell all your NVDA holdings one quarter early, rather than one quarter late if you know what I'm sayin... There's two potential problems: 1. Everybody that wants H100's and H200's and whatever their newest ones are called, has them already 2. LLM's while a cute diversion aren't really producing any real world results in terms of massive cash savings to companies using them (needing less employees due to it's capabilities), so the AI hype dries up temporarily I know that No.2 will be a temporary thing, before the next AI boom, where we actually see huge progress in cost savings for large corporations, but it could be a 2 to 3 year delay in AI hype. Kinda like how long it took to get from the Palm Pilot to the first iPhone. Pretty sure this article was responsible for Friday’s ALCC boom
Let Intel cook, have them fall a bit more then I go in and then boom chips act + fab hit and we ride the damn wave boy (what has this sub done to me)
Intel is a fab. Fab business is typically better during boom periods, but worse during bust periods. You shouldn't compare Intel to AMD or NVIDIA. The real competition is TSMC and Samsung. That said Intel looks a bit beaten down and you should be able to trade it, but I've been saying for years stay the hell away, cause their chips are bad compared to TSMC.
You know what would make the economy boom? Less taxes
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