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J pow talkin his shit again today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
This strike thing is gonna come in like a wrecking ball and smack the market down. The fear panic gauge is gonna shoot up. I'm thinking J Powell surprise speaking tomorrow may significantly have something to do with it.
I listened to the longshoremen union leader interview and they are definitely going on strike and when asked about the president ordering them back to work for 80 days as a cooling off period he said sure they will go back to work but instead of unloading 30 containers an hour they will only be unloading 8 per hour. I'm wondering if J POWELL surprise adress tomorrow isnt in regards to this whole shit storm coming. Our current powers to be said they will not intervene or interfere with the strike and notably so due to most union backing for them. And were gonna have us an election dont wanna piss off unions and loose all them votes. Get ready its gonna get ruff on the slippery slope down.
J Pow Ow!
Behold the almighty J pow
F your puts and F your calls, J Powell's got you by the balls
Bro just thug the 70s because they aint gonna have it like that forever if you in a business like that, they get real lax around what yall doing to so you basically get hours where your just sitting down or smoking a j on youtube lol
Good question. Here’s what it says: If the Russian economy collapses, it could strain Russia’s ability to continue the war in Ukraine, potentially hastening an end to the conflict. The subsequent rebuilding of Ukraine would offer significant opportunities for American businesses across various sectors. **Companies Likely to Benefit:** - **Construction and Engineering Firms:** Companies like **Caterpillar Inc. (CAT)** and **Deere & Company (DE)** could see increased demand for construction machinery and equipment. **Fluor Corporation (FLR)** and **Jacobs Solutions Inc. (J)** might secure contracts for large-scale engineering and infrastructure projects. - **Infrastructure and Materials Suppliers:** **Nucor Corporation (NUE)** and **Vulcan Materials Company (VMC)** could benefit from supplying steel and aggregates needed for rebuilding roads, bridges, and buildings. - **Energy Companies:** Firms specializing in energy infrastructure and renewables, such as **NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE)** and **General Electric Company (GE)**, might participate in overhauling Ukraine’s energy systems. - **Technology Providers:** **Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO)** and **Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)** could be involved in restoring and upgrading Ukraine’s telecommunications and digital infrastructure. **Commodities Likely to Benefit:** - **Steel and Copper:** The reconstruction efforts would increase demand for steel and copper, benefiting companies involved in mining and production of these metals. - **Cement and Lumber:** Suppliers of cement and lumber would likely see heightened demand as rebuilding efforts commence. These companies and commodities stand to gain from contracts and increased demand associated with rebuilding Ukraine’s infrastructure, energy grids, and urban developments, presenting potential growth opportunities for investors.
J-POW says fuck it all, he takes everything 😭
I sure as hell haven't been paying attention. My monkey brain just taps what I want. What's the pattern? 50/50 j like stonk
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