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I only goon to British tits that are G cup+
Lmao to all the guys that bought puts congrats But I also wanna say this apparently the quartz used for the conductors were damaged in the hurricanes the mines I mean so there would be a delay in getting g the materials So you could expect a dip in nvda intel and well this as well
would love to see how the market would react to this kind of a [“good afternoon”](https://youtu.be/datRyyt6AuY?si=MImmZUHJcI85zqls) https://media3.giphy.com/media/XcOtu2Rjy5oNB0I4rS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ykmnccip8cr9l7lh4e0zb4258ecsx0pahgat3yca&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
I mean… anything g can return to zero. Now going below zero? That’s where we get off
I laughed so hard at that. I ended up scalping a couple G during that meeting, but I know exactly how that guy is feeling, though.
Tbf that’s every company in the last 2 years or so and almost none of it makes sense. Do you really need an AI powered toothbrush? Colgate, P&G and Oral-B all seem to think so
The stock you are looking for is P&G given the fact they own millions of other price gouged goods i say good luck
FYI they only get them by the trailer full. When the P&G trailers come it’s all bounty or half bounty half Charmin. P&G wouldn’t send an entire trailer for two pallets of paper towels that have a gross margin of under 6% per pack. There’s a reason some people shouldn’t be trading.
We are the leading producer for now because SA has allowed the US to be. We are currently still floating in oil that was drilled pre Covid using the infrastructure built then too. Since covid: Drilling plummeted Lots of upstream drillers and service providers shut their doors Lots of midstream companies have either been bought or went out of business Droves of skilled O&G tradesmen have left the patch and not been replaced. If you think we won, drive out to midland, the heart of the Permian and see how dead the area feels compared to 2019. Drillers used cheap financing to continue an unsustainable business plan that required them to keep drilling to pay their bills because they were not profitable. I built flow lines for EOG during the Eagleford boom. I built trunk lines in the Permian, I consulted for PAALP to bring oil into Corpus and out on ships after Obama allowed US to export, I worked in the tank terminals in midland, Cushing, and SE LA. I am very familiar with how we got here. We are not in a position to maintain our production dominance if SA decides to fully flood the market again. We don’t have countless DUCTS waiting to be opened. We don’t have the pipelines or storage tanks to handle more oil and gas. It will take time to build, but the majors have cut back on CAPEX projects in order to pay investors dividends. But hey, you seem to have a great knowledge of the game since we produce more than Europe lol 😆
Dam just had to put my cat to sleep cause he had the cancer. He was an absolute asshole to everyone he meet until the day he died except for me and the wife. He even bit the shit out of the Vet tryin to put him down and made him scream like a girl in his last minute on earth. Rest easy Smoke you were a real G till the end.
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