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"Weakness across the economy means that homeowners cannot continue to stubbornly wait for a buyer." Why?
“And before you say that home prices are inversely correlated with rates, look at the past two years because something is broken. This would be a convincing argument if not for the fact that home prices have risen despite a large decline in sales volume.“ Home prices are also influenced by inflation which you left out. What’s that been the last 2 years?
The guy who posted how he needed nike to moon or he’ll go bankrupt is a true genius 😂😂
If you have spy/qqq calls for today ur just askin for it im sorry. Overall gonna be a strong end of the year tho 🤞🏼😬
this isnt a thing
genuinely curious why that is a point of pride?
Not a great timing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
soooo like 3.5% of their workforce? big number scary until you put it in context. as a % share of total workforce that's literally nothing. also matters which divisions those employees are in. if goldman sachs lays off 20,000 app/software engineers, marketing, and card/consumer banking oriented employees nobody cares. lay even just a few people off in TMT M&A or S&T? you got a concern going there. but obviously context is something ber r allergic to like money and human intimacy
Let's not be delusional today, a little bit of pullback is normal and healthy but we all know we only go up from here to the end of the year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
Don’t trade that shit lol it’s like a Chinese stock
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