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US gov dumping money into something rarely actually works, broadband and high speed internet were paid for to telcoms many times over with meager results. Even if you're overall long-term bullish on intel and think they can turn it around, part of that turnaround process is deprioritizing shareholders and prioritizing the company, ie. deprioritizing you. Might as well put your money elsewhere in the meantime.
The realization of a slightly softer jobs market came immediately after the last decision to not cut interest rates, so this cut came in late enough to justify a .5% cut. Basically they were playing catch up. This is nothing but an effort to turn good economic news into something bad.
I sold puts but like 2 mins before closed, decided to turn it into an IC 😮‍💨
The rainbow brigade is having a downvote ball as we reach up into the stars. Play this right and you could turn pennies into piles this month.
>30B can only buy the reactors, one of the SMR cost 6B, Pure speculation here, but I imagine they'd get a shit-ton of incentives both from state and federal governments to do this. And let's say they're able to produce excess power, turn around and sell it to the grid. Now they're running AI and they're a protected utility company.
After researching for the last 6 hours the best deal I think out there is just buying shares of WBA. 11% dividend. I think they’re going to start cost cutting a lot and with rates going down I think it’s got solid potential for a big turn around.
Regardless of who wins, this election has the potential to turn volatile. Could that be their concern? (I’m not here to talk politics)
Ok well my suggestion is to put all of that 100k into VOO SHARES and then turn on DRIP (Dividened Reinvestment Plan) and just enjoy a passive income from your dividends while your money grows. Then you never have to touch it. If you want to trade options then put 75K into VOO stock and maybe some other stocks (GOOGL is what i’m balls deep in). Then play with just the 25k in options. If you play options well you can easily flip that to 100k again but don’t ever put your entire balance into one option strategy. If you want to play options don’t mess with VOO it has no volume and the spread is way tooo wide. It’s not a liquid stock at all and options are all about liquidity. Genuinely I am sorry that happened to you, but everyone here has had to pay for a lesson, it’s just about if you choose to learn from it.
Nah man, just take another loan under her name, you can turn this around. Don't tell her though, make it a surprise!
Kamala is going into office. so it’s different this time. After decades of going trillions in debt. she’s going to tag team Nancy pelosi and turn America around with some 0dte’s 🤘
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