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Once you have the option in your Options Watchlist, go to it and tap “Simulate my returns”.
Yes that’s definitely true. But NVIDIAs profit margin is higher and they’re essentially supply limited while Apple has essentially saturated the market. Apple would need to make a major pivot to tap a new market. They’re not going to significantly more revenue by just selling more phones.
I quit carrying a wallet the moment I realized iphone cases can store cards. So now it’s two tap instead of three.
Gonna tap that ASTS
As opposed to just paying with your phone/watch I imagine. I don't carry a wallet very often anymore. Canada though, pretty much everywhere has tap to pay, restaurants included.
They were raised with tablets only knowing how to tap on icons. Even opening the Windows Explorer feels like entering the Matrix to them.
Tap it !!
tap margin to get to 100 NVDA shares or jerk one off and reevaluate? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
He didn’t do those things. After the thousand miles “march” fleeing from Japanese and nationalist troops, and after Japanese withdrew and they took over the country, Mao handed control to his left and right hand delegates to run the army and economy while he enjoyed life. Regarding Korea and Vietnam, both were places his deputies were sure they didn’t want the U.S. creating a puppet state bordering China and they convinced him easily to fear it enough to give go ahead to throw anything and everything (literally 10 guys were sharing 1 rifle at many point of those wars) at those 2 fronts to make sure the Americans don’t get to the Chinese border. At that point they could tap into the entire starving population angry with foreign people having destroyed their country so manpower wasn’t hard to come by. All the credit the communist parties claimed to achieve in the past few years were not due to Mao but his humble deputies who took power during Mao last years of life and after he died. You can read about the last of these people getting escorted out of the people’s congress last year. Mao himself was too busy with dozens of girls one after another he slept with and changed their entire life by doing so (mostly dead, no matter their personal connections to his deputies - a whole other topic and some books and podcasts about this now)
I too love douching at three A.M, however usually I’m just being pissed in/on at that point. Unfortunately that tap does not run cold too often
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