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No options this week...I'm not very good at them. Just long ASTS, AMZN, NVDA, MU, AVGO, GE, MAIN (thats a Div stock though), CRM, SPY, QQQ, MTUM, SSO, Also hold the Div ETFs ISPY, BKLN and JEPI. Those did not contribute much to todays gains, however...
I have some small put positions on NOW and CRM. After a great earnings I suspect there to be profit taking for ServiceNow, and SalesForce has been steady for a month after big drop, so I’m thinking I can capitalize on that.
I think this is a healthy pull back, I am still in a lot of tech like META CRM AMZN, is anyone looking at more cyclical value play? I also recently bought MCD given the continuation of 5 dollar meal and inflation.
You already have a bet going - CRM to 250.0 before 25-Jul-2024 03:45 PM -05
**Ban Bet Created:** **/u/cjspoe** bet **CRM** goes from **255.06** to **250.0** before **25-Jul-2024 04:45 PM EDT** Their record is 8 wins and 5 losses. [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)
!Banbet CRM $250 3d
CRM green tmrw thanks to SAP earnings? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
1) The troubles are worse than a cyberattack, it was from juvenile negligence and releasing patches on a Friday. Your wording is truly regarded "because it doesn't call into question CrowdStrike's ability to do its job" yes it does. 2) Calls short-term will be pointless, long term calls are certainly worth it even for $360 in 1-2 years because they are kinda a giant in the space who protect some really large corporations but in the meantime this is a wake up call like those who were buying SalesForce CRM and only recently had a wake up that they don't really need it, CRWD is the same way they probably have a dip in revenue because some companies realize the only cyber attack they had was from their security provider. I just don't think it's smart to buy any kind of options with this insane IV, the $400 Jan 26 calls are $3800+ per contract
Jamie diamond once took an 8 billion dollar fine He literally told congress I’m a big boy, my board has my back, I can take an 8 billion dollar loss Now I know crwd isn’t J.P. Morgan But the lesson remains Wallstreet cares about growth and this showed me more then anything how much crwd has grown I had no idea they had there fingers In this many companies And for companies like crwd and CRM, once they get into a company it takes a HUGE executive effort and months to change systems already in place So I’m just saying beware the dead cat bounce Crwd is far from dead For the record I own no position in crwd I did go 100% all into CRM Friday though So I have 1700 shares and I’m looking to see it at 280 before earnings in a month If you guys rape crwd I’ll buy it once in liquid For the recovery
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