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Pry billions of dollars at 3% consumer laptop margins. >AC Analysis says AMD is prioritizing enterprise chips over its consumer offerings. Su Bae's playing chess, not checkers. Give up some low-margin laptop sales to land yourself some high-margin datacenter sales.
It's so neither company try to acquire the other should one of them start to fail. That's also why Intel just crossed their arms and watched AMD inch closer and closer to bankruptcy until Sony's PS4 deal saved the company, since Intel could just become the sole licensee of x86 without fear of being accused of causing AMD's failure(because it's widely agree it was AMD management that ran it to the ground until Lisa Su took over as CEO). Intel pissed off a lot of people during their borderline monopoly days so now they're eating their karma just like AMD did. If it wasn't for the fact that they're too important exactly because they own the x86 license, government would have pushed GlobalFoundries instead of dog shit Intel.
rule 1 - warrane buffet - don't lose money.. rule 2 -- remember rule 1. you could preserve that capital and maybe look for a good, sustainable business. Majority of mines are in shares or long leaps. I like Lisa Su and amd. if you want to make that money up and learn your lesson, work a 2nd job and wake up at 3am like me.
good to know. i'm still confused why op bought this stock unless he's in the energy industry... i work in tech and went 100% in amd when lisa su was appointed as CEO and i saw Ryzen was a viable candidate to battle intel. Also intel was having lots of operational issues. Invest in whatyou know! i even took a small 30K loan went leveraged in amd. the pandemic almost got me margin called but i was able to that all that into 180K, then leveraged 10K into GME, and into calls back into amd. by Jan 2021, the port was at 500K.
he said he makes 175K a year; he can have this thing paid off in 6 months. i'd probably move the money out into a semi stock like AMD. at least Lisa Su has gone on record to say eps will go up a lot in 2025
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