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Investing in the market isn’t a sure thing, but there is enough info to make money in the long run. If you know what you are doing, you will make money every year. Only a small % of market participants make money every year. You need to be able to make money in downturns. And without a staff to do the leg work, it’s time consuming. It almost has to be full time if you are solo.
The only straight porn is solo female porn Any porn with a guy involved is gay, even if it’s just one guy and one girl. Dick = gay Lesbian porn is gay because it’s literally gay Straight men only watch female solo porn. If she uses a dildo it’s a trap though, because dildos are gay.
AAPL is solo carrying QQQ, if it falls say good bye to your calls
Reddit has incompetents managing it though. 20 years of zero profit. App that isnt even on par with what solo developers were able to make. Trash search function - on a text forum like come on man. Without the ai shit, which honestly companies shouldve just continued to steal from them, reddit would have been below its ipo price already.
I know how to put over $150k/year into retirement plans and tax deductions just as large If you have your own business with the revenue you can run a very liberalized solo 401k plan, so that gives you a 65k limit if your under 50: $23000 from your employee contribution, the rest as your employer contribution Then you can do a cash balance plan, which gives you like at least $100,000 more. it depends on your age and what the actuary says you can do now that the money is in those plans you can roll it over into a: roth 401k traditional ira roth ira rolling over into roth accounts will create income taxes that year, but you can also just wait for a year where you have different tax deductions like when you buy a house while having lower income or something the government doesn’t have to get anything ya know its funny to me that there are people beholden to the $7000 limit, barely making that, and thinking they ate
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