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Man people droppin' dead of monkeypox over here and it wasn't delivered by a pager so we hear nothing
Yes, sir. Would you prefer bankruptcy, or someting lighter? The chef has a special tonight, sideways churned
If it does that, LUNRW, the 2028 11 warrants, will be in the money, maybe take a look at those? I'm holding a handle's worth
People value work. They also value risk. There doesn't need to be worker vs ownership. Both are necessary. Cooperation and mutual respect bring success. You're putting down the value of a days work. Unregulated capitalism will destroy us. I don't think communism is very wise either. The socialists motto is worth revisiting , "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Nothing is "free." You must contribute to your ability. In return you should get your needs met. Too many honest people work 40 and keep falling behind while crooks at the top end up with a golden parachute. We keep trying to motivate for the 1% most successful while breaking the bottom 60%. The Waltons should be rich. They shouldn't control as much wealth as the bottom half combined. Elon can be rich, but he isn't rich because he's smart, more so because he is ruthless. I don't value that. We should all be aspirational, but also realistic. Sure, it's OK for people to play the market and make money. Just don't act like it adds value to society. When the factories close, the community suffers. When the day trader quits, no one notices. I know where true value lies.
He was a trout, actually.
Yeah I need a dip so I can load up on calls and sell my puts
I've never read a k10, but I've pet plenty of k9s. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Because all they read is doom and gloom, bot written, news articles. They don't want to learn how the system works. To them, it's easier to jump to a conclusion that takes blame off of themselves. In other words: "the market is rigged by those damn institutions!"
I just want a sell off till 8 so I can buy back in
As long as you’ve got a job anyway
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