mmph Delta lookin thicc
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Priority Income Fund Inc - 6.375% PRF REDEEM 31/12/2024 USD 25 - Ser E

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About Priority Income Fund Inc - 6.375% PRF REDEEM 31/12/2024 USD 25 - Ser E

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Girthy E is in the houz!
She needs tender loving She needs Lil E
they just need an e-coli outbreak.
We've been in an asset bubble for sure, but just not as out of control as '99 stocks or '05 housing in either sector yet. Next phase could see both happen at the same time with rate cuts juicing P/E by another +20% on the whole market + housing prices above 2005 levels in terms of housing prices relative to income levels.
7 promised is less than apples actual 10. While i’m very happy that other companies are now committing to supporting phones longer apple is the only one in practice who has supported phones with security updates for a decade. My iPhone 6s still works as my music player in my car, while the battery is shit it’s not a throwaway device after 10 years as it can still safely access the internet. I’m not trying to lessen how happy i am others are feeling the marketing pressure to do so. Less e-waste is good for all of us.
a fernut e chiovere?
It depends on what the true debasement of the currency is (inflation tends to lift revenues and earnings, albeit with a lag). I think an easier question to answer would be, whether the P/E ratios can keep going up. Which I think they can't, because there are other (possibly better) inflation hedges than stocks (gold, real estate, etc.). If there is too much money printed with nowhere reasonable to go, it will go somewhere, anyway.
it's a composite brudda. there are companies worth this much. nd then there are that are not. it's like high school when there was the "hot girl" group of like 25-35 girls that were "friends." only like 20 of them were actually baddies. the rest were fillers and relativity benchmarks to amplify their hotness. DUFFS need P/E inflation too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
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