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You just got in now? Where were you when Nvda was around $200 pre split?
Not true at all, if you go short/long full port on a stock before earnings in pre/post market and it drops 25+%, your broker loses money (given you had 4x day trading margin).
It’s pre-revenue, yes, but very promising for the future. Markets are forward looking.
Brother I felt my butthole tighten when I bought 2300 shares at $800 pre split…your butthole must be so tight not even a fart can escape![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
How were you measuring attribution for downstream outcomes in that large of a marketing spend on YouTube? We run a similar size marketing budget (assuming you have similar spends on other major channels too) and people on our team wanted to scale YouTube off of anecdotes of pre/post. As it scaled it looked more mixed though, so we stopped. Attribution there is really difficult, with such a large marketing machine with so many moving parts across many channels, and when YouTube direct conversions are so low. It of course drives indirect conversions, but how much of that would have come anyway in the counterfactual without YouTube impressions? Did you do A/B on geo splits and cut YouTube leave/eliminate spend in equivalent geos, check impact on the rest of top of funnel? We did that on FB to calibrate our understanding of the economics that bounce back into indirect conversions but I don't see anything about people doing that kind of experiment with YouTube, seems to be less mature of a platform. I guess we could manually draw geo bounds and do it ourself but seems annoying. Without that I don't see how you could have the level of confidence necessary to invest $35M in the channel, at least by the standards for confidence we try to use in perf marketing when we allocate that much capital. You might also just have more risk tolerance than us though.
This is just like pre tsla earnings. Nothing will move until tech reports earnings
For all intents and purposes, today was a red day. SEC should ban pre and post market. This shit is manipulated
People have been buying stocks with borrowed money, in the hope of making a fast buck in a booming market. Margin debt had already risen 15% this year through the end of June. Doug Ramsey, chief investment officer at the Leuthold Group, a Minneapolis- based financial-planning company, notes that bullish speculation in the two most popular stock-market exchange-traded funds used for that purpose, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF SPY and the Nasdaq 100 index fund Invesco QQQ Trust QQQ, recently reached extreme measures. "The speculation in these two ETFs, the bullish speculation, the call buying, exceeds anything that we saw at the peaks of 2018, pre-COVID, in 2020 and late '21-early '22," he said in a podcast this week. To give you an illustration: Margin debt at the end of June, when the S&P 500 was around 5,500, was 27% higher than it was at the lows in October last year, when the S&P 500 was at 4,200. Logically, if we're going to buy stocks aggressively on margin, we should be doing it more when they are down and less when they are up. Be fearful, record levels of greed.
Actually makes huge cf due to pre sell. You obviously haven’t pulled up excel to run numbers 
As a dev I disagree. Release a critical bug to production is something no company would do because there’s dozen processes in place that prevents that from happening. Sure, mistakes are common and no doubt window devs at Microsoft have bricked their local test windows machine on a weekly basis, and probably some of those even get checked in, but they cannot get through the weekly test passes, automated and manual processes that need to be green lit before releasing to pre-production, which then releases to smaller regions, and then reaches US and Europe after 3 weeks of testing. This reached worldwide production and no one tested it once, because a single test would have revealed it bricks the machine. That’s gross gross negligence that a single-dev startup might run into, but should be impossible at a billion dollar company.
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