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Yeah UI path held beautifully this week. Long dated calls and forget about it
nice cup and handle $path next move $13.20 ish mark it
$path Uipath ⬆️⬆️⬆️ #ai #automation
I work at an advertising agency, and clients will range across different industries. For your industry in the past 5 years, Ecom ad spend has easily increased over 20% YoY in the US, and Ecom ad revenue also seeing similar returns. This growth is on a consistent path for upcoming years as well. To spend $4M- $9M yearly, curious to know what other channels you’re invested in? All businesses would take a hit if social ad platforms stopped, but majority of people who browse the internet spend under 30% of their time on social media. If social is not doing well, you should be maximizing the rest of your ad spend. Do you have an MMM driving ad spend decision making for you? Do you have a dedicated team for media planning to forecast against goals, and specialists running your campaigns? There’s just so many factors that can play into your business sales. I don’t have any knowledge of your Founders network and their ad experience, but most people who post in a subreddit like r/FacebookAds are seeking information or have a complaint. I doubt a lot of people would post their success stories as much as the inquires that come through. And are your founders all in the same industry? I hope you’re not only looking at Meta through 2 areas (their failing metaverse and your industry). I can tell you first hand that a 500% ROAS is achievable, over the last 2 years can maintain this return, and reduced CPC by 200%. We can push ROAS even higher, but have other goals that contribute to a lower ROAS. Haven’t heard any rumblings that social performance is down across the agency. So good luck to your option play and hope it works out.
TLRY calls, they seem to be on the right path to turn the business around and expectations going into earnings are very low.
Posted this a few days ago on GMs earnings, but feel like it fits this thread too: GM is probably a great stock to own in the short term, but it’s fascinating watching them throw away their entire future for these short term profits. This was the company that just a few years ago was claiming that they’d surpass Tesla in EV deliveries by 2025. Here we are halfway through 2024 and they’re literally 20x behind and the gap has only widened. They’ve walked away from EV partnerships, shelved their autonomous vehicle research, massively delayed or outright cancelled multiple EV manufacturing and battery facilities… They’ve just buried their head in the sand that most of the world is transitioning to electric by 2035 and chosen to squeeze the last drops of demand out of ICE. The market is forward looking, and GM is currently on an identical path to blockbuster and blackberry. They originally talked about building out EV charging. As of last year they completely threw in the towel and adopted Tesla’s EV charge system and supercharger network instead. If you buy a GM EV, you’re most likely going to be supporting and paying royalties to Tesla. They’re not a competitor to Tesla anymore, they’ve failed to innovate and are just hoping to survive going forwards. The market sees this, and values them accordingly.
I have about 2000 shares. Watched them slowly lose value and kept thinking about averaging down, but also assumed they were on the path to zero. Was down 80% at one time, now up 150%.
That’s not AI fever, ChatGPT is a cash dumpster fire, and most general AIs follow in that path. Meta’s LLama 3.1 is actually the only viable contender for private corporations for specific needs considering it can be ran locally and is open source
I like Ed but he's a pretty hardcore doomer about the tech industry. He makes a lot of great points, but his bias is pretty strong and he almost never acknowledges the positive aspects of new tech and LLM-based generative AI. His content is designed to engage cynics with a generalized understanding standing of the tech industry and what we currently call AI. The truth is somewhere in the middle between what doomers like Ed are saying and the empty promises of hype men like Sam Altman. LLM's \*are\* useful and ground breaking new tools, they absolutely will reshape the way businesses are run and money is made. They are not a path to AGI or in anyway capable of sapience or sentience. They are complicated algorithms that can be the solution to many problems, but they have to be used correctly or they produce bad results.
Are you sure this one is the right decision? There's no path where the leader of this company turns it around.
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