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I had a similar thesis and bought long exp puts last year and it dipped pretty hard but still bounced back to ATHs within a couple of months. This shit does not trade on fundamentals. It's all speculating on Tesla innovating some battery tech or AI bullshit.
$200 Call exp. 12/28/2026 is like $1400 I would wait until it gets around $1K per contract and go all in for those…or can just buy now and hold its two years out.
15% otm 1mo exp isn't really that safe of a bet. Especially for naked options in a volatile market. I had a 30% otm 14 dte put on my watchlist. At its peak it was up 1900% from the day I added.
I find on my 9 years of trading(note that I also work on a banks treasury trading floor), that waiting until on your tp is bullshit, you gotta take partials at major places.) my trading senior (35 years of exp) says this and I woke up from those big win trades.He says" the profit looks nicer on your pants rather than on your dreams".I have no emotion whatsoever on my trades.If it's not going in my way for an hour, I take stops instantly, I do not care, just take stop, it looks fine again in 5 min, yeah I open the trade again, if goes bad close again.But if it's on profit, I let it ride, give it a time but take partials (min half the first time).İt gives me relief.Than watch it, the moment it doesn't go on my way, I take half again.And so on.All about managing your emotions and be realistic on the screen.
Im assuming that you're mentioning the exp dat who be 3-4 months in the future so the theta decay wouldn't just eat up any benefit / gains even if the put option would suddenly go ITM or even deep ITM due to some unforeseen stuff, Correct?
Oh bro idk about this one. Sell those and buy 35s or 40s same exp. Just less
META puts exp. OTM, just off by 3% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Personally think spy don’t tell the true story. Tech is the one who driving up the market. QQQ will give a better chart reading. Just opened in on calls Oct 11th exp 490 and nvda 119 same exp. Got about 2k worth in q’s and 1k in nvda
I got 555c on spy exp Friday. Hit or done man this shits crazy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)
That’s a quick 170.00 you could have banked, and used for another play. Then re entered with your initial investment (or less) with a NOV/DEC exp around the same price. $116-120 (pending decay) is a do able number to get to within a few months, even if it ends up tanking slightly more.
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