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You're missing the fact that earnings is not the end all be all, even with good guidance. MU beat, with good guidance, and still dumped Glad to see you have realistic exp dates on your options (not weeklies, playing earnings), but you should know by now that expectations can fully beat and dump for no good reason or fall completely short and stay sideways or even go up Google, MU, tsla (on previous calls) have proven this point I hope you're right, hope you make money, and am considering puts myself, but relating meta earnings with any other situation of earnings isn't doing you any favors Earnings is roulette, brother. This is a legit casino.
you gonna ride it to exp or nah
Bought $53 C 8/2 Exp 2.2k position. Thought I was the man when they reported earnings and stock popped. But I realized again the little man will never win. Wall Street controls the stock. Sad. They got both our money
What exp are people buying for big tech calls? AAPL / AMZN etc.
Debating on long exp calls or just buying tbh
Your exp date is saving you right now !
Not going to hold till exp and assign shares. Looking to sell in 1-2 weeks for 2-4K
i couldn’t buy 1 year out or longer leaps. i know technically it’s not a leap but it is to me. this is the longest exp option i ever had and could afford at the moment 😂
$85 - 8/16 exp
this guy clearly knows something, take my money copied and got $7 exp 1/17/25
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