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We often ask this, too. Why does homeless and drug or alcohol addiction or hunger fall solely on the ER to provide food or new clothing or shelter on cold or hot days? Very recently I had a homeless patient who refused to be discharged and essentially said if we discharged him he will kill himself. We all know he’s not actually suicidal… but by saying this, he knows we have to put him on a hold for psych evaluation and placement. This is how bad things get. People feign mental illness or suicidal ideation in order to just get a place to sleep and meal. I don’t know how or who can fix this.
This story is kind of incredible to me because I work in food quality lab and everything is ruled by ISO or other standards, from test methods to data entry to calibration requirements. If we even move one piece of equipment to another spot on the bench it must be revalidated to ensure it works the same. Is there really no equivalent stringent quality standards in software? Maybe historically society has placed greater importance on food/drug safety whereas more nebulous and relatively new software quality was neglected. But now we’ve seen how disruptive failures of the latter can be this will change. Thoughts?
Yeah, this sounds not worth billions to me. > Medical Sector: - AI-powered diagnostics could detect diseases at earlier stages with unprecedented accuracy. - Personalized medicine could become the norm, with treatments tailored to individual genetic profiles. - Drug discovery could be accelerated, potentially finding cures for currently incurable diseases. - Robotic surgery assisted by AI could perform operations with superhuman precision. > Industrial Sector: - AI-optimized manufacturing could reduce waste to near-zero levels while maximizing efficiency. - Predictive maintenance could prevent equipment failures before they occur, reducing downtime. - Energy grids could be optimized in real-time, balancing supply and demand perfectly. - Autonomous factories could operate 24/7 without human intervention. > Transportation: - Self-driving vehicles could eliminate traffic accidents and optimize traffic flow. - AI could revolutionize logistics, making supply chains more efficient and resilient. - Flying cars or advanced air taxis could become a reality, changing urban planning. > Agriculture: - Precision farming could maximize crop yields while minimizing resource use. - AI could predict and mitigate the effects of climate change on agriculture. - Vertical farming optimized by AI could produce food in urban environments efficiently. > Education: - Personalized learning algorithms could tailor education to each student’s needs and learning style. - Virtual and augmented reality could provide immersive learning experiences. - AI tutors could provide 24/7 support to students. > Environmental Conservation: - AI could optimize resource use and waste management on a global scale. - Advanced climate models could provide more accurate predictions and solutions for climate change. - AI-driven reforestation drones could accelerate ecosystem restoration. > Space Exploration: - AI could control autonomous space probes, exploring the solar system and beyond. - Advanced simulations could solve complex problems in physics and astronomy. > Financial Sector: - AI could provide personalized financial advice to everyone, democratizing wealth management. - Fraud detection could become nearly perfect, securing financial transactions. > Creative Industries: - AI could assist in creating new forms of art, music, and entertainment. - Virtual worlds could become more immersive and complex, blurring lines with reality. > Scientific Research: - AI could generate and test hypotheses at speeds impossible for human researchers. - Complex simulations could replace some physical experiments, accelerating discovery. The cumulative effect of these advancements could lead to: - A post-scarcity economy where basic needs are easily met for all. - Significant extension of human lifespan and quality of life. - Solutions to global challenges like climate change, hunger, and disease. - New philosophical and ethical questions about the nature of intelligence and consciousness.
Must have missed the cancer drug run
So tired of these posts talking about consumer demand for AI. That's a drop in the bucket my fellow regards, the power of AI is behind the curtain if you look closer. Drug discovery, fraud detection, self-healing networks and systems, anything that requires data analysis can be done trillions of times faster than a human nerd on his keybaord, and the list goes on. If you think the Mag 7 are spending billions on AI and don't have their ROI figured out, we'll then upsize your Wendy's combo and enjoy the chicken tendies
AlphaFold is literally incorporated into multiple pharma giants for drug discovery. AI is more than just chatbots and funny deepfake memes. Long call on Google.
So apparently a drug test has nothing to do with trying different substances with your boss.
Musk couldn't look more like an autistic drug addict if tried
No joke, Chipotle is going to have to get into the drug war, Mexican cartels are driving our avocado prices up.
Yep but Google is building useful AI with AlphaFold for prediction of protein structures. They just spun the technology out into a subsidiary of Alphabet called Isomorphic Labs. They are already getting billions in partnerships with some of the biggest pharma companies in the world (Novartis, Eli Lilly). Will be interesting to see where it goes from here. It could really accelerate drug discovery and Google could benefit in a meaningful way.
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