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That's some Dave Ramsey level advice
OPs dad is Dave Calhoun, theres more where that came from, they will be ok no matter what.
Dave Ramsey be like "buy a power washer to pay off your credit card debt" 💦🔫💦
Dave Ramsay be like "just get a small loan of a million dollars" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)🤡🤡🤡
My gramma, both my paps, my uncle Brian and aunt bev, My uncle eddy, uncle CA, my cousin Billy, Sean C, my best friends dad Billy, my moms best friend Babette, her second best friend Sally, if you get a chance to see my dogs. Littlefoot, cj, and Sydney. Other people include my friends wesly M, Jeremy, and dave... if you can that would be cool buddy
Today there was a report that Microsoft blamed the EU for this - because of anti-competitive laws and settlements, the EU mandated in **2009** that Microsoft needs to open up endpoint protection (examples CRWD and others) at the kernel level, whereas Apple avoided that (in 2009) by playing their usual "**victim**" card (*we are a poor second to Microsoft in the PC business*). Essentially, the EU said that Microsoft Defender (which is endpoint threat mitigation) should **NOT** be bundled with Windows (if you remember around 15 years ago, we used to get Defender pre-installed, and then it changed to an option where you could select from a list of options). Ergo, because of that **idiotic law/settlement**, Microsoft \*has\* to allow kernel access to outsiders, and as much as the EU is trying, Apple is not doing so. Microsoft is actually right here - they need to lock down and say **FU** to the EU. This is hugely important - it's **not a level playing field** for Microsoft versus Apple and Linux. It's a different matter that CRWD fired their QA engineers (because the CEO needs a new yacht, and who needs them anyway? they're an unnecessary expense...), and refused to do a pilot run before deploying a kernel level module/code worldwide. **Fucking idiots! That's where they are culpable.** **For home users (who were not affected as much anyways)** - just enable Defender and do not use 3rd party endpoint mitigation (usually home users do not pay for CRWD). It's slightly slow, but I'd trust Microsoft Defender for personal use more for a kernel access module than CRWD or Kaspersky or McAfee or others. EDIT 1: More info here: []( EDIT 2: Dave, one of the (retired) Windows OS developers talks the deets about how CRWD fucked up (this is for SW/HW folks mainly): []( To get to the relevant bits, start at 5:00 as the first five minutes are describing OS kernel vs. user modes in general.
I hated Dave Ramsey until I understood who his audience is. They're people who truly cannot handle debt, or they will ruin themselves. And they need to be constantly reminded of it. He's not trying to make them wealthy, he's trying to keep them solvent.
Dave ramsey made millions just saying this shit![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)he paid off debt and owns mansion
Dave Ramsey pisses me off so much, all the advice he’s ever given could be summarized in 3 stupid points 1.) cut up all credits cards , never take out debt (Sounds good but if you ever want a house you should instead learn how to mange your credit wisely) 2.) get an emergency fund of $1000 (Useless, won’t be even cover most emergency car repairs or 2 weeks off work sick) 3.) pay off all your debt as soon as possible (Whoaaa, I should’ve thought of that)
Revisionist history. McAfee sold to Intel so former CEO, Dave DeWalt, could line his pockets. McAfee incident opened the door to new competition but they and Symantec were solidly the de facto anti-virus vendors for years.
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