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Remember when Walmart greeters were little old ladies now it's some night club bouncer or a cop
Please tell me it's intended just for animal abuse and violent crime. Psychopathic tendencies and such present around that age-if you can force them into a mental institution away from the parents who've wholly failed, you can fix it more easily than in an adult. Adults who've not been treated since before adulthood, for specifically that, wind up in and out more often than just "in". I'm from Florida, and the mental health epidemic is the sole reason why we offer even a beat-cop an immidiate raise if they pass courses in de-escalation, the same stuff a hostage negotiator learns- something as simple as untreated adhd can cause an arrest otherwise, with a severe enough episode of the "h" in it looking like psychotic mania and causing disturbance of the peace, public nuisance, and other such charges that hurt employment odds even more than not being diagnosed and treated when you exhibit symptoms.
That’s the generic advisor cop out explanation
curious if you go against your bias or find a compromise? Like my friend works as a cop and says this too. Like when he pulls a speeder over if it's a frail old lady with bloodshot eyes vs a young male teenager with bloodshot eyes... Is it fair to ask and push if they've been smoking/under the influence of marijuana or other drugs? One or both of them? Do you treat them differently even in small subtle ways? How about giving tickets, do you give a ticket to both? Would you be ageist to not give a ticket to the old lady but the teen because she's old frail and reminds you of a friends grandma?
To trade oil on Interactive Brokers (IBKR), you have several options depending on how you want to trade oil (e.g., via futures, ETFs, or stocks). Here’s how you can go about it: ### 1. **Trading Oil Futures** - **Search for Oil Futures**: On the IBKR trading platform, go to the symbol search tool and look for crude oil futures. The most common contracts are for: - **WTI Crude Oil (CL)**: Traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). - **Brent Crude Oil (BZ)**: Traded on ICE Futures Europe. - **Understanding Contracts**: Oil futures contracts represent specific quantities of oil (usually 1,000 barrels) with delivery in the future. You need to be aware of expiration dates and contract sizes. - **Place an Order**: Select the futures contract you want, choose your order type (market, limit, etc.), and execute the trade. ### 2. **Trading Oil ETFs** - **Search for Oil ETFs**: In the symbol search, you can find oil-related exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Popular oil ETFs include: - **USO (United States Oil Fund)**: Tracks the price of WTI crude oil. - **BNO (United States Brent Oil Fund)**: Tracks the price of Brent crude. - **Place an Order**: ETFs are traded like regular stocks, so you can buy and sell shares using limit or market orders. ### 3. **Trading Oil Stocks** - **Look for Oil Companies**: You can trade shares of oil-related companies such as: - ExxonMobil (XOM) - Chevron (CVX) - ConocoPhillips (COP) - BP (BP) - **Place an Order**: You can buy or sell these stocks like any other equity on the platform. ### 4. **Trading Oil Options** - **Options on Futures or ETFs**: If you prefer, you can trade options on oil futures or ETFs. For example, you could buy or sell call and put options on WTI crude oil futures (CL) or on the USO ETF. - **Set Up Your Option Trade**: Select the strike price and expiration date that fits your strategy, and then place the order. ### Steps to Trade on IBKR: 1. **Log in** to your IBKR platform (either TWS, IBKR Mobile, or Client Portal). 2. **Use the search bar** to find the specific futures contract, ETF, or stock. 3. **Select the instrument** you wish to trade. 4. **Choose the order type** (limit, market, etc.) and input the quantity. 5. **Submit the order** for execution. ### Important Considerations: - **Leverage & Margin**: Futures trading involves leverage, meaning you can control large amounts of oil with a small margin deposit. Be aware of the risks. - **Costs**: Make sure to check commissions, fees, and margin requirements for futures or ETFs. - **Expiration & Rollovers**: For futures contracts, pay attention to expiration dates and whether you plan to roll over to the next contract. By following these steps, you can trade oil through different financial instruments using IBKR.
[Deficit spending as a percentage of US GDP](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S) has been increasing for 20 years, across administrations. Both-sidesism is usually a lame cop out, but it really is the answer here.
im fuckin exhausted. gonna cop some just in case puts now that theyre worthlessly cheap and take a nap. enjoy the day boys.
“Flip my second paycheck to cop me a lid”
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