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Eh. I root for people for fight for ALL OF US. Not those who get $180k comp and Cadillac plans for themselves while we all get raped for healthcare. Biden threatens to veto Single Payer and not a peep from unions. Where do they go when it comes time to fight for all of us? They are just another dirty special interest quietly trying to get to the front of the line. I support: * Competition for EVERYONE. Municipalities, universities, employers, workers, everyone has to fucking compete in this world. No one is exempt. * UBI, Single Payer, robust safety nets for EVERYONE. * Higher taxes on the top 1% of incomes when they end up paying lower effective taxes than the middle class. At some point unions negotiated for all of us. Right now they are most of the time spending as much energy possible to extract benefits exclusively for themselves. Fuck them. At least I can invest in dirty corporations and get something out of it.
I dipped my toe in some Tesla stock for the first time about a month ago. Does Elon drastically over estimate the speed at which he can deliver? Absolutely. But does he sometimes deliver on crazy shit? Absolutely. While I’m not expecting FSD to be solved by 8/8/24 I still think there is a reasonable chance that they will be the first auto maker to have a legit level 4 autonomous driving system. It’s not a huge position for me but the FSD potential makes it worthwhile for me. I don’t see any other car company close to them in the race to level 4 (and spare me the Mercedes level 3 sham). The comp package was deserved as shareholders at the time approved it.
Because it’s an easy way to work around a lot of regulations and claim it’s not a payout or donation. It was a poor investment choice, and trump simply had a good comp package. All the rest is washed out in real terms
In Vegas they would comp your room for a couple nights to get the last $6k. But this is behind the Wendy’s. Reapply chapstick and get back to work.
Imagine if the cops on the highway were trying to catch criminals in F1 cars while they have steam powered carriages. Their inability to police participants is a direct result of their lack of funding, quality talent and the comp offering to attract them, sophistication and know how, and general public/political support. The “you can’t do that but we can’t catch you” problem is a feature not a bug.
There's only so many $40,000/year FTEs you can cut. 1,000 of those employees == 5 chief officers' total comp. It's fucking absurd.
but after C-class comp&bonuses and other accounting tricks companies dont make money, theyre basically non profits ;)
Yeah no thanks. Our comp policy is already very regarded
Oh god, Yeha maybe we don’t need the dividend. I don’t want that added to my comp haha
After salvaging what is left of my SMCI calls, I think there are 2 mid safe plays, NVO given what LLY did today, and XPO. XPO mostly because shipping companies have Amber Heard hard. Want a comp, look at what SAIA, one of the other major LTL truckers, did at earnings.
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