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Direxion Auspice Broad Commodity Strategy ETF

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I still don't understand the whole "AI Bubble" talk. Is the theory that all these companies will quit making money? Valuations are a little stretched but nothing like the dot com bubble. Its not like Microsoft is trading at 100x earnings on the promise that AI will make up the difference soon. They are having positive earnings impact now from AI and its expected to grow and thats priced in at a P/E multiple of \~35. What am I missing?
I mean if you didn't buy in during like peak dot com bubble you're probably doing quite well Motorola up 150% last 5 years not wsb level ofc but as far as actual investing goes I'll take 20%
You don't need a recession for a stock market to crash. Dot-com bubble QQQ crashed 85% without 2 quarters of consecutive negative GDP.
Not necessary a 2008 crash. Just a mean reversion to normal P/E ratios. Also a few things: Public debt as percentage of GDP is highest in history, higher than the dotcom era. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GFDEGDQ188S The S&P500 is now more concentrated in the top 10% stocks than the dot com bubble, it has approached 1929 levels. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJPh3AxXUAAmjcR?format=jpg&name=large Price/revenue ratios of the largest 10%, smallest 10%, and median S&P 500 components, are at dotcom levels in all cases https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJR50ZfWMAATGZJ?format=jpg&name=900x900 Also, if we use the Shiller ratio, 1929 had a smaller Shiller ratio than the dotcom bubble or right now, yet its lower Shiller ratio didn't stop it from crashing more severely than the dotcom bubble.
300 years** I don’t foresee a humanoid looking robot sucking me off while doing my laundry in 2027 sorry. It’s the dot com bubble all over again..
This is fair enough, but when fiscal irresponsibility is rampant, and speculation is out of control ( The two things that when combined cause huge stock market crashes ) it often takes close to a decade or more to recover, so investors with concerns of something like this happening soon would be wise to consider alternatives. If you look at an inflation adjusted SPY chart, you can see particularly after the 1920s stock market crash, it took 35 years before it sustainably reached it's pre-crash levels. Around 1985 stocks crashed and didn't reach their peak again until 1995. Similarly, during the DOT com bubble \*cough cough AI\*, it took 15 years to reach it's pre-crash levels. If you are smart, you would sell stocks and buy gold during all time highs ( or btc I guess, but that is also really risky ), then sell gold during huge crashes and buy stocks. Otherwise it's very likely you can be waiting a decade to even start getting a return on your investment if you put your money in during all time highs. https://preview.redd.it/f20ud5dlvfxc1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=e198479ccc1811f20e1fcd2cadfd7b0cae731026
Earnings don’t com out for another hour. I think what happened is some brokers don’t allow PM trading until 0700. I know that’s the case with schwab If you watch premarket charts closely you’ll frequently notice radical shifts at 0700
Tell me you've never invested before and during a recession without telling me you never invested during the bad times. Put together an interesting chart of the buying power of the us dollar, gold, and the s&p500 since around 1913 to current. What to the lines look like? How about that Shatdowstats dot com inflation rate tracking? .
Road infrastructure? Lol… it’s a joke. Especially if you live in northern climates where winters are harsh. Dodging potholes is a way of life. Just make sure you are not dodging potholes late at night or that becomes a probable cause traffic stop for the local revenue collectors (aka the police) Southern states the roads tend to be in better shape because they don’t have as frequent freeze and thaw cycles, nor do they have the heavy plow trucks destroying the pavement. The USA is a propaganda machine. Just because we have a massive military budget doesn’t mean we have a massive infrastructure budget. NAFTA kinda killed the country in the 2000’s. Peak America was the 1950’s with a revival in the 80’s and 90’s. Ever since the 2001 .com bubble crash and the ‘07-‘08 recession the country has been hanging on by its shoe strings. Covid has been one of the final nail in the coffin moments. The country was already struggling. JPows money printer enriched the ultra wealthy. Corporations were able to use “supply chain” interruptions to feel the market for price increases. Once inflation took off they already had their price targets set. Meanwhile Blackrock, Vanguard and every other major hedge fund that we’re enriched by the 2021 stock bubble, started moving assets into real estate causing an affordable housing shortage. I honestly see WW3 sparking off in the next 5 years. When Americas economy starts shitting the bed, we start lashing out and blowing things up. Calls Oil and Boeing when it bottoms out. Long on Raytheon and L3Harris.
Hey guys, I recently joined a discord where I get premium live alerts and watchlist/ and exact entries/exits. Feel free to check him out. He’s only on Stocktwits. @STOCKITUPS https://www.launchpass.com/stockitups's-server/https-www-launchpass-com-stockitups-s-server
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