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Why does this even matter. Using AliExpress search just yields the same items or brands you have already viewed. If they can't figure out search on an e-commerce platform what makes you think their AI is going to work. 
Press E to panic ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
It's rare that a governor will publicly disagree with the rates e they are set, in general the fed tries to present a unanimous front, even if they disagree in private, because disagreeing publicly will weaken public/market faith in their voodoo
Yeah every year or two. We get crushed on signature confirmation and the “extended delivery area” surcharge that ends up on over half our shipments. So what is marketed to us as a $11 base rate ends up being $20 and usually we can get 50-60% off the signature part which saves.. a lot each month I don’t think that really helps form my gambling decision though. I think fedex and ups will always be profitable and e-commerce is only going to grow. Ups is using AI now for route guidance and pickup scheduling. The drivers hate it though
Good deal, wasn’t trying to be offensive. Just trying to get a good feel before I take a position. I head up our e-com DC business but it is a very small percentage of our overall sales. Like <1%. I’ve just hated dealing with FedEx. So you guys rate-shop?
Thanks man I didn’t take any offense btw. I’m in e-commerce and usually when times are tough, ups and fedex aggressively court us to switch. Fedex account executives have been slammed with business and not offering as much incentive as usual. They aren’t hurting for business. Also they rely on seasonal and contractor workers more than ups and with inflation coming down they may have lower payroll pressures. Personally I prefer ups. I just think the setup is bullish for fedex and if they repeat June’s earnings result then it could be a big payoff
I meant look at the price of a home in 2006 and look at the price of a home in 2020. There was mass housing price inflation. Saying there was no inflation between that time period is ridiculous, or even saying they inflated at w/e the stated rate was (3ish%). The difference between 2006 and 2020 is what happens when there is a debt bubble, caused by cheap debt.
I think you cannot assume a direct proportional correlation between interrest rates and inflation. There can be time delay and dissipation. Generally speaking I think its correlation can be moddeled more accurately in left half of the complex laplace plane with: k/(s^2 T1 + s Zeta T1 + 1) * e ^ (s T2) where T1 ~ 1 to 5 months, T2 ~ 20 months, Zeta < 1/sqrt(2). Eddit: 1) Speed and the gas pedal are also not directly correlated, but we all know that there is a time delayed integrative correlation
l i t t l e m o n e y .
Are we expecting it to hit $10 today, fellow regards? Need to know if I’m going to be able to afford PG&E this month.
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