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I thought this ticker was banned here due to its low market cap?
Either too small of a market cap or mods hate tendies
I wouldn’t mind an increase in cap gains if they could peg it to a lump sum retirement amount annually adjusted for inflation. Social security is a joke, there is no national pension system. How about we recognize that our system incentivizes everyone to hoard wealth and invest and just let people get to retirement nest egg of total taxable and nontaxable assets and then trigger a larger tax to kick in. It feels like the government is always punching down to people trying to retire, while the free market is ejecting workers from the job market when they hit 50, and the plutocrats never see an impact on their wealth.
Alibaba has all the AI stuffs. [https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard](https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard) Qwen 1.5 from Alibaba is just slightly worse than OpenAI GPT-4-0613 (released 2021-9). That's the best one in China. ​ If China were all about AI AI AI, Alibaba shouldn't trade at these prices. Alibaba is basically the leader (or one of the leaders) in AI space for China. I'm a believer (bagholder) in BABA. Share buybacks first quarter of this year of whopping $4.8 billion worth. If share buybacks are this aggressive all year, Alibaba could be buying closer to 10% of its market cap. And BABA issued a worthless dividend (something) end of last year (25 cents). It's a "fake stock" that company is buying back billions and giving dividends. Only risk is CCP and the CEO is gone from the company now.
Total Wealth of US Baby Boomers: $78 trillion DJT market cap: $5.9B Seems undervalued imo
That is obviously what investors are THINKING. This same thinking has happened in the past. $CSCO hit $500B mkt cap in 2000. $AOL bought Time Warner. The point is that such certainty and conviction has ALWAYS proven wrong eventually.
Thanks for your submission! To prevent terrible and illiquid companies from flooding our subreddit, we've instituted a minimum market cap threshold. This threshold is $500MM and is automatically enforced by a bot. Sometimes however, it gets things wrong. If that's the case, please [send us a message](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll look into it right away. The bot will unspam tickers when their market cap is >500MM and re-spam them after they sink to under 400MM. (Roughly, and sometimes it takes a day or two to update) If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!
No...NVDA is not CISCO. NVDA will have the market share of AI chip market for the next year or so. Competition will come in unless NVDA is competitive with chip prices competitors will take market share. The NVDA market share could drop to around 25% in 2026. Even with that NVDA is a good investment or trade for the next year. They are so far ahead in a competitive space for AI software that large cap tech has to buy the fastest chips to remain competitive which is NVDA. Eventually once LLM's are trained the computing will move to the edge which can utilize lower performing chips. That is when NVDA will flatten out. NVDA is a great company with years of software build around their GPU's so I wouldn't count them out in the future but eventually these parabolic moves will flatten. NVDA could see 1300 by the end of the year and hit 1500 at some point in 2025. If that happens profit taking would be wise. What is an untapped revenue stream is handset personal assistant AI. AAPL is looking to have a smaller LLM in the phone with a larger chip that does the AI locally and not in the cloud. AAPL has yet to throw their hat in the AI rink and there is a lot of potential here.
If you make enough in cap gains to think about moving to PR to dodge taxes, but preemptively not enough money to hire an entire tax attorney firm to fight the IRS on your behalf I'd probably recommend not committing tax fraud. The people who get away with tax fraud are people who have so little money that the IRS doesn't care because the juice ain't worth the squeeze, and people who are so wealthy that their tax lawyers make it near impossible to prove. This middle ground of people making close to 6-figures all the way up to 8-figures is the dangerous territory.
No one thinks about real estate cap gains for two main reasons: 1. Primary residence is mostly exempt for most normal people. Unless you bought in California in the 80s, in which case lol. 2. The average landlord buys and holds, and uses the income. Of course rental income is ...income....and taxed accordingly.
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