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bond bros is it over for us
Japan got nuked twice by the US, got their economy nuked by the Plaza Accords, then got their currency nuked by the Fed, then got lapped by China after the US decided to hypercharge their mortal enemy’s economy for the past 40 years, and now has to beg our weeb passport bros to come in droves to prop up their implosion. What a century.
Bros acting like I’m supposed to do something about it
Bros are still bearish on TSLA while it’s still down 30% YTD and Musk is in China. The shareholders vote in June on whether he gets a multibillion pay package. I’ll guess he’ll just sit on his ass till then.
“Everyone has known this” Tell that to the crypto bros lol
Some tech bros blew up their bank in the same month that some crypto bros blew up their bank.  This caused a bank run which shut down a third bank that hadn't really done anything wrong so the Fed had to step in with a loan program to calm people down. Regional Bank stocks got hammered in the process. 
Googl + Msft combined earnings event was too simply too good. Their capex spendings are up along with meta signaling that they’re spending a lot on ai infrastructure so nvda, broadcom, smci and the ai chip bros pumped too. Pce was more in line and meh vs being actually bad. Thursdays q1 gdp #s was a bigger news event than the fri pce. That pce news was just not going to counter a group of trillion dollar companies pumping
Bros holding till banana rises up
None of these crypto bros know what they’re doing
Everyone knows Crypto is a ponzi, but Crypto bros will retort that USD is a ponzi also. Everything is a ponzi, you just need to time the top
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