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I wanted to play $580p 4/19 as I believe what should happen is a drop of 12-14%. However, this market is so messed up that it inverses anything that makes logic. Personally I think Netflix misses EPS by a lot, misses rev by a tiny margin, says some bullshit about subscription management and the thing jumps 5% tomorrow. And MSM will say something like “Netflix wows investors with future guidance on subscription changes.” When you beat rev and EPS you go down. When you don’t you’ll go up. Makes sense right? Yes, it SHOULD drop 12-14%. Wall Street won’t let it and it’ll be $630 by EOD Friday and ppl will wonder why.
Aunt Barb couldn't hold back her excitement. She dug into a purse that seen better days, fishing out a carton of Marb Reds. "I can't wait to watch Trump TV," she told Uncle Rick, her voice scratchy from all the years of smoking. Uncle Rick, belly hanging over his belt like an overfilled trash bag, just grunted from his throne of a recliner which made a few clicks as he pushed back further in it. He had the crusted TV remote gripped tight. The greatroom of the double wide had a permanent ethereal blue haze, the curtains dingy and yellowed. The TV flickered on and Trump popped up, ready to spit some "truth". Barb was even more excited than last Tuesday when she won five bucks on a pull tab. "About damn time we get the real skinny and not that other MSM garbage.", she hollered, pointing at the screen, her bracelets clacking together. Uncle Rick sat back, his eyes fixed on the screen. Barb, watched intently, tossing out "Uh-huh’s" and "You said it's" at the screen like she was having a two-way conversation with the Don himself. As the night wore on, the glow from Trump TV bathed the room in animosity and fervor. The real world, with its complexities and shades of gray, dissolved beyond the reach of this bastion of freedom's walls. Here, within these confines, Aunt Barb and Uncle Rick found solace in the rousing affirmations and fiercely echoed rhetoric emanating from the screen. The clock ticked deep into the night, unnoticed, as nods and affirmations grew less frequent and eventually gave way to the heavy breathing of sleep. The TV continued to chatter into the void, its audience now lost. Until tomorrow's broadcast, of course.
Every MSM*
After his death, a friend of his came out and said that he had told him he was in no way suicidal and if he died, it wouldn't be by his own hand. The man knew he would get assassinated. Meanwhile, MSM IMMEDIATELY ran with the suicide story.
You’ll be waiting a long time. As we speak, there are “people” blaming the Deep State, liberals, MSM, Hunter Biden’s corn-fed hog, literally _anyone_ or _anything_ but DJT himself. They are pathologically incapable of admitting fault, and they have such a long list of enemies, no fucking way they leave this man’s side. It’s the Nesara cult on meth, in a shitty red hat
Yeah there was a lot of “but he’ll take a loan on this asset and be a billionaire again” and other stuff in the MSM right after the ticker change. Then there’s the whole “he’ll change the terms of the lockup” theory! On the first I agree I don’t think anybody is stupid enough to loan against the DJT stock. On the second such an obvious play might just seem too risky. There are many other more subtle options, which is why I like my theory.
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