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I bought at 130+ puts Leap![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
Spy qqq please keep rally 2% a day for next week and then my leap call will be itm again
Give him a break. Usually 6 months or longer people refer to as a leaps, but often I see people refer to anything over 30 days as a leap.
i couldn’t buy 1 year out or longer leaps. i know technically it’s not a leap but it is to me. this is the longest exp option i ever had and could afford at the moment 😂
Damn, I have $40k in $210 AMZN leap as well, hope they do well, they expire 9/20/25 though
Is Jan/2025 considered a leap ?
Goog shares (going through my non-degenerate evolution, no longer playing non-leap options)
This looks like a leap from heights
A month out is a leap? The 7/26 one certainly isn't. That's a pure gambling/FD play.
If it’s longer than a week it’s a leap or at least that’s how it feels like ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
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