Almost 4 Years Ago
2 Min Read

Why AAPL Buzz is down -71.88% over the last 7 days

The nearly prescient stock geniuses of /r/wallstreetbets are focused on AAPL this week. There was a noticeable uptick in chatter, with the stock garnering 584 mentions on /r/wallstreetbets. That represents 0.2% of all comments this week versus an average 0.7% over the previous week. That is a -71.88% decrease. 

Here is a link to the historical buzz chart.

AAPL is 124.26% above it's 52 week low and 13.61% below it's 52 week high in recent trading.
Traders on Wallstreetbets have mentioned 8 call positions and 0 put positions in the last 7 days. You can check out the most recently mentioned positions here

 Most Popular Calls 

  Expiration: 12/18  Strike: 125
  Expiration: 11/20  Strike: 130
  Expiration: 11/13  Strike: 117 

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What they're saying 

TJwhosurmomma says: Got about a $5 dividend payment from AAPL coming on the 12th so if you see me glowing different mind ya business 💅🏻 

JimmyChill2020 says: I have never heard one good story about a long distance relationship. Dumbest fucking thing ive ever done, beside buying aapl calls yesterday 

SetzerWithFixedDice says: First they came for $AMZN, and I laughed for I did not own any. Then they came for $ROKU, and I turned my head, because I sold at $240. Then they came for $AAPL, and I wept for there was no one left to buy from me. 

Would_U_LikeFries says: Call me Isaac Newton, cause my prosperity is dependent on AAPL falling ​ Thanks, I'll see myself out 

Wearahat02 says: AAPL is a great stock. But, people have unrealistic expectations thanks to 2020. After the PE expansion AAPL is not going to double in one year again. AAPL PE went from literally 10 in 2016 to 35 today. Explains how they grew EPS 50% yet price grew about 400%. AAPL PE is not going to go from 35 to 70 and it will take at least 5 years at their current growth rate to double EPS unless black magic happens. AAPL won't rocket, it's going to be climbing the stairs. You're better off with the mid-caps for rocket potential, or get lucky with 0DTE. 

ben_evolent says: Of course AAPL goes up since everyone thought it would dump 

citroen6222 says: NIO 46c 12/18c PLTR 11/18 15c AAPL 4/16 135c NIO 11/13 32p ($22 each) That's my 💎✋✋ portfolio 

ImReallyFuckinStupid says: AAPL is about to be single-handedly responsible for a market bleed the rest of the day 

Zephyr101 says: [me everyday as an AAPL $150c 1/15/21 holder since 10/13]( 

donny1231992 says: Are you kidding me fuck aapl and fuck msft