Over 1 Year Ago
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SPY and BBBY is leading Reddit over the last hour

 What's happening with SPY, BBBY, and AMC? Reddit is really chatting over the last hour.
The buzz was a bit spicey- here is what they are saying:

SoFreshTho - 16 upvotes - source
Crushed on spy calls yesterday, figured everyone expects a bounce back so bought puts yesterday EOD. Teaching a seminar on how to lose your house tonight behind Wendy's

JackHammeredd - 12 upvotes - source
Just fucking moon already and bankrupt me SPY. We all know it is going to happen. Just do it.

GushingGranny1 - 11 upvotes - source
Tards saw SPY drill 2% in one day and thought it was a good idea to fomo into 0 dte SPY poots with IVs over 100% and now screaming it's manipulation they are losing money.

NewbieDoobie18 - 11 upvotes - source
Of course, everybody talks of SPY puts and it rockets up. Never fails.

MayorLansky - 10 upvotes - source
Sentiment changes by the minute in this mf… You can just hear the teardrops hitting the keyboard as some of you type ‘ahh, see?! Bulls/bears fucked!! SPY 400/430 EOD!..’ Bring back the copium emoji ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)

Shoddy_537 - 9 upvotes - source
Bought spy calls at the top, you’re welcome bears

OakyTheBear - 8 upvotes - source
\*Watches SPY rocket 0.5%\* Me: Another one.

The-Night-Raven - 7 upvotes - source
It is okay SPY, time to go to $400

rieslingmagic - 7 upvotes - source
I sold SPY puts expiring 8/22 on Wednesday and Thursday for a $3k profit.. if I waited 2 more business days till 8/22 it would have been $21k profit. Ugh wtf

Moving on to BBBY, where there was also a lot of interest:

farty-Micfly - 16 upvotes - source
I'm down voting any positive bbby comments. It's just cringe now.

CEOofBeanz - 14 upvotes - source
Why is there a minus sign by my $8000 gain on BBBY?

Stalebagofweed - 7 upvotes - source
Rug pulled bbby and rug pulled bbby thread

Feature_Upset - 7 upvotes - source

YeezyThoughtMe - 7 upvotes - source
Bbby bag holders are quiet todaY?

Actual-Cat3803 - 7 upvotes - source
So many people left this place forever after BBBY. I can feel it. I can see it 🫥

mba111 - 6 upvotes - source
Bbby is being surprisingly resilient today.

neel_jung - 6 upvotes - source
bBbY lOoKiNg ReSiLiEnT

Bitter_Coach_8138 - 5 upvotes - source
Bbby free fall

Odd-Temperature2968 - 5 upvotes - source
Just added 500 shares of BBBY. Probably a regarded move but lets see of they can pull through.

Ending up, take a look at AMC which is being aggressively watched on Reddit:

Bitter_Coach_8138 - 17 upvotes - source
$APE: * no intrinsic value, not convertible to AMC shares * not only can be diluted, but the company admits that it WILL use dilution. 10x the current float are authorized for dilution, should be worth $0.60 right now * you’re literally buying a security named “ape”, this is worse than a shitcoin and honestly makes me fear for the condition of the US economy that it has any buyers.

Digital_Marine_APE - 9 upvotes - source
AMC is gonna go back to $5

Contextual-Investor - 8 upvotes - source
AMC TO $5!

VisualMod - 7 upvotes - source
#Ban Bet Won --- /u/Emergency_Dust69 (1W/3L) made a bet that AMC would go to 10.0 when it was 23.96 and it did, congrats autist.

Bitter_Coach_8138 - 5 upvotes - source
$AMC lol

Unlead3dWombat - 4 upvotes - source
Somehow yesterday morning I was able to buy back my cash secured puts I'd sold on Friday (AMC 8/29 $15 and 17) strike for like $90 (profit like $40). Got out of em with limit buys during the constant halting at open. Today they would have cost me over $1200.

Budget_Tomatillo_202 - 4 upvotes - source
I guess no AMC squeeze today either. Fuck this I’m out

captainoompa - 3 upvotes - source
AMC was never going to squeeze

BovineJonith - 2 upvotes - source
Didn't need the hint, I agree. When you said "not convertible to AMC shares" I thought you meant not convertible to AMC shares

BovineJonith - 1 upvotes - source
I thought they could hold a vote to convert to AMC?

OXY is being aggressively watched on Reddit as well:

Wemaybemonsters - 6 upvotes - source
High on Oxy

NastyNate908 - 5 upvotes - source
oxy so good

mathboom123 - 5 upvotes - source

KhappiPappi - 5 upvotes - source
For all you who said calls on oxy today, I love you 😘😘

Chitownguy06 - 5 upvotes - source
OXY calls anyone?

Wemaybemonsters - 4 upvotes - source
Who’s got the Oxy?

KhappiPappi - 4 upvotes - source
Realistically how high do you guys think oxy is going today?

Anonymous231478 - 3 upvotes - source
OXY up up and away!

Beginning-Visual2341 - 3 upvotes - source
Oxy calls all week!

mogiyu - 2 upvotes - source
Indeed. Should've bought OXY when it dipped after earnings.

TSLA is in focus on Reddit too:

dopefienddave - 7 upvotes - source
why do i ever go short on tsla, just fucking burning money

dopefienddave - 4 upvotes - source
feeling like red eod 3 tsla 850 weekly puts, pray for me boys

honesthype - 4 upvotes - source
TSLA babyyy🚀

dopefienddave - 4 upvotes - source
i need big sellies on tsla please

dramarehab - 3 upvotes - source
Imagine not jumping into the bull flag on tsla

Contextual-Investor - 2 upvotes - source
TSLA going for the triple top at 925 then down to 750

freehouse_throwaway - 2 upvotes - source
TSLA monthlies are $$$$$ trimmed some fat gains. riding rest.

1_all_the_above - 2 upvotes - source
TSLA Pump. Filling gap down from yesterday.

Tycrist8 - 2 upvotes - source
Tsla said fuck your puts

Tarek394 - 1 upvotes - source
Buy SARK asap, its green which means ARKK is red even with TSLA up decent