Almost 2 Years Ago
1 Min Read

What they're talking about on /r/Wallstreetbets this afternoon

What do GME, SPY, and PEP have in common? They're all being commented about on /r/Wallstreetbets this afternoon.

The traders on /r/Wallstreetbets are all about GME today, while over on /r/investing they are chatting about GME. Meanwhile, over at /r/valueinvesting, GME is hot.

Overall, WSB sentiment is bearish compared to bearish yesterday and bearish the previous week. CORN , QQQ, PEP were the most bullish while traders are less sanguine on UVXY, SPY, SQQQ.

Equally important, the top ranked comments today are:

TheRedWon - 4494 upvotes - source
\*buys at the top\* wtf why is the market so manipulated

thestashman23 - 4305 upvotes - source
See you tomorrow

leturmindflow - 4165 upvotes - source
Lmaoooo they really dropped it at 4:20PM

ccolemantcb - 3701 upvotes - source
I love that it only cost them $4.05 to transfer a billion tokens. that’s just… down right wholesome shit.

rumsticks - 3362 upvotes - source
So dip

FrodoBagHodler - 2989 upvotes - source
Whoops MOASS my bad

Sockbrick - 2871 upvotes - source
Never bet against the USD. People love it so much, they print it themselves

jacksdiseasedliver - 2805 upvotes - source
You guys remember when this nft marketplace was a tinfoil conspiracy a year ago. The DD is coming true as prophecized.

ATI_LUX - 2700 upvotes - source
Yep and all it took was inflation, cov-19, inflation again and a fuckin war

TheFedFuqsMeDaily - 2687 upvotes - source
“A Dollar might just fuck your main bitch, that’s just how i feel” - Kendrick Lamar

aarongineer - 2511 upvotes - source
What would it take for you to draw me like one of your French girls?

CosmicContractor - 2508 upvotes - source
Whoops …. Moass