Over 1 Year Ago
5 Min Read

Trending on Reddit over the last hour: BBBY, SPY, and GME

What's happening with BBBY, SPY, and GME? Reddit is really chirping over the last hour.
Let's start with BBBY, which has the most prattle. Here's what they're saying:

unclejimmy - 29 upvotes - source
For Sale: my 500 BBBY shares $25 a piece, selling for what I paid. No low balls I know what I got

D_GROW - 26 upvotes - source
Suppliers are reportedly stopping shipments to BBBY due to late payment. Clearly Freeman and Cohen knew this was happening. So to help them dump their positions for a profit, they get the stock artificially pumped up by the people here, then sell without warning. Am I missing something? It seems like we are being used.

rjsheine - 15 upvotes - source
People actually thought they were smart for buying BBBY lolol

woolypully - 14 upvotes - source
This is from the BBBY thread. This person was annoyed in how WSB portraying RC. *BBBY Commenter: But I've been following this billionaire for the last 2 years. He's not in it for the money. He never telegraphs his strategy. He prides himself on under promising and over delivering, and creating passionate lifelong followers. He's no elon musk.* I commented that it was hilarious that he was saying a billionaire isn't in it for the money. *BBBY Commenter: I personally believe he's driven by the promise of glory which he knows will come with a devoted group of investors who he made a bunch of money for* Careful kids. This much Kool-Aid can be fatal.

measure400 - 14 upvotes - source

oystrodoom - 13 upvotes - source
#$3 more dollars until you regards can't talk about BBBY anymore here cause it's under $500M.

cmcfrenchie - 13 upvotes - source
Guys I’ve just been told by my inside informants that suppliers denying shipment of goods to BBBY stores due to lack of payment is actually VERY BULLISH.

Death_by_Eggnog - 13 upvotes - source
A dingo ate BBBY

GonkWith - 13 upvotes - source
Biden forgiving BBBY debt?

Continuing on, SPY is also in the center of attention on Reddit:

--LiterallyWho-- - 10 upvotes - source
SPY ceo dumped his shares

Aggressive-Dig-9113 - 10 upvotes - source
Upvote if you want to see SPY down 2% today

PlasticBirds - 9 upvotes - source
bye bye miss American SPY

optionsCone - 9 upvotes - source
Why I feel market will go much lower... AAPL, a behemoth who is heavily weighted in SPY is... 1. down a measly -1.60% today 2. remains +31% since June lows

lostindasauces - 8 upvotes - source
SPY the type of girl who makes you date for a month before she goes down on you.

thevoidsquid - 8 upvotes - source
I want SPY to go under 400 just so I can laugh at people who say 'it'll never be back at 400'

DistributionFancy833 - 7 upvotes - source
Wow, can’t believe spy CFO had a timeshare on Epstein island. Gross.

-Dreamville- - 7 upvotes - source
Spy puts fuckin printin

oystrodoom - 6 upvotes - source
I can believe SPY will go to $1000 by tomorrow and buy 0DTE calls. The upside is massive!

scuddlebud - 6 upvotes - source
sucks to accidentally buy spy calls on a day like this when you got 0 day trades left ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

GME is the last stonk attracting eyes:

oystrodoom - 13 upvotes - source
Guys, I work as a secretary for Adam Aron and I just overheard him on the phone talking to Ryan Cohen about a possible merger between AMC, BuyBuyBaby, and GME! They are going to show movies while having a personal salesperson show you all the wares of BuyBuyBaby and GME, and then create an NFT of the entire experience for you to own! Moon!

SupChooch - 9 upvotes - source
The GME selloff will be very slow and steady. We dont want to scare the hodlers. One day they will wake up and they will be the only ones holding the bag and it will go zero bid 📉📉📉

HackJandie - 9 upvotes - source
At least with GME people had pleasant childhood memories of the place so some brand goodwill. For Bobby unless you are a Becky its a place you get dragged into when you get older. Would you really care if the stores disappeared if you weren't holding the stock?

Sandvicheater - 7 upvotes - source
GME just crashed through its pre-split price levels

Jeggasyn - 5 upvotes - source
said the guy selling gme at loss, when it soon popped again, and again.

BearyAnal - 5 upvotes - source
Bbby thread people are so mad. I posted a question asking if they’re still holding or now moving into other memes like Mindmed or GME. They downvoted and cursed me out

TheSauce32 - 4 upvotes - source
![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641) GME sure why not if you are gonna live like a bagholder migth as well do it with other brainwashed morons

AdMore3461 - 2 upvotes - source
So you are mulling a coordinated pump-and-dump that is organized to the point of timed lock-ins for shares? Sounds massively illegal… And anyways, the people who short stocks are also in a prisoners dilemma in that if they all run for the exits to close at once, they create a classic squeeze. If none close and they just pay the higher borrowing cost for a while, interest in squeezing the stock dies and price drops back down. If some start to close positions while others stay, it can potentially drive up the price more and borrowing cost more for those who stay. So a coordinated program to create an organized pump with many many people would be majorly illegal and easy to prove, whereas there is a small pool of firms and funds that heavily short - so they learned this prisoners dilemma and are playing it rather well, probably with a wink and a nod, but nothing that leaves proof of crimes. Melvin Capital and other shorts in GME got caught with their pants down because they didn’t know how long the squeeze would go, so they all ran for the exits. Now they wait it out - which is why short interest doesn’t drop much in other tickets like bbby even as the price goes up. They know they can wait it out and close positions at a much cheaper price later, so they just keep paying the interest for now.

HackJandie - 2 upvotes - source
I hate GME also for the ahole apes but can't deny part of why people were into that play was to in their minds save the stores.

Xoshua - 2 upvotes - source
It was my first ever share too. I missed out on gme but I’m having fun. I bought a few hundred of different shares with the most decline. We’ll see how it plays out.

AMC is under the microscope on Reddit as well:

JayRoo83 - 19 upvotes - source
Holy shit I can watch *TWO* AMC tickers go red at once now 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

oystrodoom - 13 upvotes - source
Guys, I work as a secretary for Adam Aron and I just overheard him on the phone talking to Ryan Cohen about a possible merger between AMC, BuyBuyBaby, and GME! They are going to show movies while having a personal salesperson show you all the wares of BuyBuyBaby and GME, and then create an NFT of the entire experience for you to own! Moon!

BIGPOTHEAD - 6 upvotes - source
Take your BBBY and AMC Losses and put them into OXY this week. Oil booming.

Bitter_Coach_8138 - 4 upvotes - source
Alright so I guess I got fucked on AMC puts. Fortunately sold most of them Friday and green overall on the play, but this is kind of bullshit. I should be still way, way up on my puts even though they’re OTM but because now they’re AMC1 puts or whatever, there’s 0 liquidity on them and I can’t get a fill for any price. So I’m basically forced to hope they go ITM and exercise to close.

JayRoo83 - 3 upvotes - source
So when I look up APE and AMC, it says APE is "preferred" That means that's the one they *prefer* you short over the main stock right? Or is that the one they *prefer* to dilute?

farty-Micfly - 3 upvotes - source
Where are the "AMC Holders are up on the day" Mf rn![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

BearyAnal - 3 upvotes - source
All the OGs here, ya’ll remember HMNY and moviepass? It’s coming back this September. That was the shit that led to the downfall of AMC, Cinemarks and other movie theater chains. RIP AMC!

Digital_Marine_APE - 3 upvotes - source
But but what about the AMC squeeze?? 🤣🤣

Aggressive-Dig-9113 - 3 upvotes - source
Remember when $AMC was above $70? Pepperidge Farms remembers

BearyAnal - 2 upvotes - source
MoviePass= AMC dead

COIN is under the microscope on Reddit too:

Opposite_Engine_6776 - 10 upvotes - source
$COIN waited for my Aug 19 60p’s to expire worthless before tanking further. Thanks for nothing, you bag of shit.

iluvlatinacheeks - 4 upvotes - source
COIN the next BBBY 📉📉📉

NotoriousJDO - 1 upvotes - source
Srsly. Go look at any crypto coin rugpull in the last 2 years. AA is just following this playbook

Shoddy-Log - 1 upvotes - source
Why would they jump ship on the USD? Where else are they gonna go? What else are they going to buy? Debt doesn't matter, they can raise taxes or they could mint the trillion dollar coin. Inflation is a much bigger risk.

WarlockSausage - 1 upvotes - source
Flip a fucking coin huh

truebecomefalse - 1 upvotes - source
I think it's too easy to manipluate COIN stock price because cryp toe is so unregulated. So I rarely play options on it.

No-Comfortable9480 - 1 upvotes - source
I always lose money on COIN options ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)