Over 1 Year Ago
4 Min Read

Let's see what Reddit's talking about as the market slumps

BBBY, AMC, and SPY are the major focus of conversation on Reddit over the last hour.
Let's go to the video tape!.

sparkyladder - 40 upvotes - source
BBBY IS NOT DEAD. We ride soon!

Pepemala - 38 upvotes - source
Yeah 50$ into bbby imma be rich yo

CollinSB419 - 33 upvotes - source
RC didn't rug pull. The real squeeze hasn't even started yet. Quit being a BBBY and buy moreee

RobotArtichoke - 30 upvotes - source
If you bought BBBY at $24 why *wouldn’t* you buy it at *checks TOS* $9.95??

wherelambo1 - 26 upvotes - source
I believe in you BBBY

mynamewastaken69420 - 26 upvotes - source
Bought all the bbby

Various-Talk8881 - 25 upvotes - source
!banbet bbby $30 5d

Keystone177 - 21 upvotes - source
Just purchased 6 billion shares of bbby. Plus half ownership of the ceo's wife. Moon or bust!

WorkRedditUsername69 - 20 upvotes - source
bounce BBBY bounce

backleftwindowseat - 19 upvotes - source
Dear god the pure delusion in the BBBY megathread… “We’re only down 10% which is super bullish”

Concurrently, we also see that AMC is the current hot-ness on Reddit:

Lucky_-_ - 15 upvotes - source
>Forgive the dumb question but did we just get free money? Like shares we can sell(which I wont do of course) without touching our AMC shares? I know amc is down but it will bounce back at some point and this doesnt affect the moass... AMC apes are some of the most entertaining creatures on this planet

the_sound_of_a_cork - 10 upvotes - source
The most funny AMC comment: it's not dilution until it happens. Like there is a chance that it isn't going to happen.

Jvic111 - 10 upvotes - source
Good, your broker is doing you a favor. How do AMC people not see that they’re mocking you on this whole ‘ape’ fiasco and laughing all the way to the bank?

valiant_thor77 - 9 upvotes - source
So AMC took 7$ of the top, gave it a dumb ticker then gave people money their own money?

Slut_Spoiler - 8 upvotes - source
So, you guys need to let AMC holders cry for a while. Please share the subs space.

Environmental_Film93 - 8 upvotes - source
Damn glad I sold AMC to buy BBBY. Last week I regretted it. Today I realize I was screwed either way.

PhoenixAZisHot - 8 upvotes - source
Where the Hell are the options for AMC?

UnholyTrigon - 7 upvotes - source
lol why did AMC fall ?, I thought it was supposed to expose the shorts ?

RogueHood - 6 upvotes - source
AMC down 69% lol

KingReforged - 6 upvotes - source
Its not about the company. It is not about RC. It is about the shorts. the stock is heavily shorted and that is why it is on RegSho. No one cares about AMC or GameStop, they cared about the squeeze, because they were also heavily shorted stocks.

We would also note SPY, which is also very much under the microscope on Reddit:

shillingdotcom - 10 upvotes - source
I’m not taking any profits on my spy shorts we’re due some -2/3% days and the tides have turned. I’ve gone from bearish to piggish

Rich265 - 9 upvotes - source
Oh, me so horny. SPY going to new lows!

GushingGranny1 - 9 upvotes - source
Half this sub just fomoed into SPY puts. Shitadel must be planning a rally.

Firedogx - 8 upvotes - source
Don’t be fooled. SPY is gonna go sideways the rest of the week to fuck over all options

BuyThoseDips - 8 upvotes - source
SPY $410 EOD would make me rock hard

Narzghal - 7 upvotes - source
I'm up over 500% on SPY 0DTE

Cashmoneytendies - 7 upvotes - source
Sitting here watching LOTR (best movies of all time) about to buy 0DTE SPY calls

Free_Tangelo - 6 upvotes - source
Spy about to dump so hard this afternoon.

shillingdotcom - 6 upvotes - source
Damn If spy keep going down I’m gonna need another screen to read all these numbers in my bank account

my__ANUS_is_BLEEDING - 6 upvotes - source
Can bulls explain how spy isnt about to revisit 365?

GME is in the center of attention on Reddit as well:

Subject_Breath_4162 - 37 upvotes - source
I legit just purchased the entire company and I can tell you we aren’t going bankrupt. Our new business model is to acquire Gme and get babies hooked to video games. It’s foolproof so make sure to buy in now.

Many-Initiative-3773 - 15 upvotes - source
Incase you all didn’t see the smear article that came out the second we were pumping. Causing a ton of algos to start selling and letting them hold the price down. This tells you just how much power we have. Fuck them. “09:53 AM EDT, 08/22/2022 (MT Newswires) -- Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) could be at risk of bankruptcy if it does not secure sufficient financing to appease vendors and remains with low inventory levels for the holiday period, Wedbush Securities said Monday. The embattled home goods retailer's shares plunged more than 40% in late Friday trading after one of its largest shareholders and GameStop (GME) chairman, Ryan Cohen, sold his entire stock in the company at prices ranging from about $18.68 to nearly $29.22, according to a regulatory filing. Bed Bath & Beyond's shares were down another 6.6% in early trade Monday. Certain vendors have also reportedly halted shipments to the retailer due to lack of payment, while the company is understood to have enlisted the services of law firm Kirkland & Ellis, with expertise in restructuring and bankruptcy advice to manage its debt load, Bloomberg News said. The company's outlook is deteriorating and may require a major restructuring of its business, Wedbush analysts led by Seth Basham said in the note. The investment firm expects cash burn to remain high over the next two quarters until inventory becomes a source of funds in the fiscal fourth quarter. The retailer's aggressive large-scale promotions suggest another inventory reserve markdown is in the pipeline and with suppliers' hesitance to refill warehouses, "this could limit the company's capacity to fully tap the $800 million remaining on its (asset-based loan) that is partly predicated on the market value of BBBY's inventory balance," according to the analysts. Bed Bath & Beyond is considering numerous financing options, including a potential sale of its Buy Buy Baby business that could fetch between $630 million to $910 million in proceeds and buy the company some time to ease vendor concerns, the firm said in the note. However, it does not "fundamentally change the negative outlook" of the retailer's core business. "Pressure is mounting for BBBY to appease vendors, improve cash flow, increase liquidity, and reduce sales declines-room for any mistakes is shrinking," the analysts said. Wedbush maintained its underperform rating on the company's stock and its target price of $5. Price: 10.29, Change: -0.74, Percent Change: -6.73”

Datachire - 15 upvotes - source
Number one on /all, the fuck LOL...I haven't seen that happen since GME posts last year.

kayvonte - 10 upvotes - source
$GME $20 incoming! $BBBY $5 incoming!

kayvonte - 7 upvotes - source
Punishing Cohen by selling GME and never coming back

Sandvicheater - 6 upvotes - source
If RC cola making all kind of waves at the worst possible market conditions. GME just gave back all split gains and just fell below its pre-split levels.

Midnyght_Marauder - 5 upvotes - source
The thing is, when we found out he sold, gme also took a big hit. He therefore didn't even make profit

brokenbuckethat - 5 upvotes - source
Thinking of yoloing into ATM GME calls with the cash I’ve been slowly freeing up in robinhood. Would save me having to transfer if it misses

PyrusD - 4 upvotes - source
Considering how far the entire market is falling, I'm not worried. Feel like this happened with GME too

acg7 - 3 upvotes - source
GME is the next to absolutely tank. Anyone still holding that is insane. RC already has shown he doesn't give a fuck. The SEC didn't even announced he had filed a form to sell his shares until after he had already sold them... How in the world could anyone trust that he is going to hold? This is the next rug waiting to happen. 9/2 $28 puts.

QQQ is in focus on Reddit too:

ts2981 - 6 upvotes - source
The 20% rally on QQQ wasn't enough?

BurritoBurglar9000 - 3 upvotes - source
1k -> 5k on qqq put spreads and I feel so fucking dirty about it. Throwing 1k on nvda put spreads and sitting out until next earnings season me thinks.

lolgoodone34 - 2 upvotes - source
They need qqq 400 to breakeven

thersonefifty - 2 upvotes - source

ghjollof - 2 upvotes - source
$QQQ $315 puts

AdminsRFascist27 - 2 upvotes - source
Boring. Can we leg down another 1-2% in qqq please

saw-it - 1 upvotes - source
Coke on QQQ, V shape recovery now

dizzy_centrifuge - 1 upvotes - source
Anyone have a realistic price target for QQQ end of week? I'm thinking 305