2 Years Ago
1 Min Read

Shares of SOXL were trading -7% lower today. Here's what's going on:

Shares of Semiconductor Bull 3X Direxion (SOXL) were trading -7% lower at a price of $12.995 today. While it appears there was no direct catalyst for the stock move, the plunge occurred amidst a backdrop of market uncertainty, inflation jitters, and economic recession. In addition, due to geopolitical pressure, the well established contours of the semiconductor manufacturing world are being reshaped and moved to new locales.

Semiconductor Bull 3X Direxion has been trading between a 52-week high of 74.1 and a 52-week low of 10.53. The stock has a market cap of $3.67 Billion.

As you can imagine, the internet had a few things to say about the price move. Here's a few choice comments from the Reddit Traderverse™:

VisualMod - 4 upvotes - source
**Ban Bet Created:** **/u/sappus** bet **SOXL** goes from **13.91** to **16.0** before **2022-07-15 21:02:03.195971-04:00** **or i will declare bankruptcy**

sappus - 2 upvotes - source
!banbet SOXL 16 5d or I will declare bankruptcy

baaripaavo - 2 upvotes - source
Why can't smoothbrains "accumulating" SOXL just WAIT a little, until it's clear the market is going up? Instead there are folk, who have been DCA-ing since $60 or something like that and thinking they are real clever. NO no you are not clever. "Imbecile" is the word you are looking for.

njcuban123 - 2 upvotes - source
You need cast iron balls to play with SOXL these days.

_grapevan - 1 upvotes - source
MRNA 190c and SOXL 15c weeklies

Facts_About_Cats - 1 upvotes - source
The world will always need more chips, now more than ever. I bag hold SOXL

Alternative-Season45 - 1 upvotes - source
If you do put it in the market I think the smartest thing to do would be dca on indexes such as spy tqq soxl and a small amount like 5% in risky options. I’m 35 and lost 10k this year which was basically my net worth smh I manage a pizza place so you’re in a better spot than me by lucky fuck I have $200 left in my portfolio

_grapevan - 1 upvotes - source
SOXL 15c weeklies - get em while they’re hot

_grapevan - 1 upvotes - source
SOXL 16c weeklies at open

WSB_Reject_0609 - 1 upvotes - source
Soxl puts are printing hard today. Inshallah!