Over 1 Year Ago
5 Min Read

Party like it's 2021: BBBY, GME, and AMC buzz is blasting off on...

The last hour has seen a surge in chitchat around BBBY, GME, and AAPL.
The hype was a bit spicey- here is what they are saying:

2donuts4elephants - 56 upvotes - source
FOMO people, listen up. Is iT tOo lAtE tO gEt iN? No. You don't even qualify as being in the fear of missing out stage. Right now you're just flat out missing out. If this is GME 2.0 the market cap for BBBY Has to hit ~22 billion. That's about $250 a share. We know you're watching all the gain porn thinking you missed the rocket ship. You haven't. Get in now. We need you. Apes strong together. We will drive this shit to the motherfuckin Andromeda galaxy. Before you know it, Ole Kenny G will be giving you a blowie behind the Wendy's dumpster.

jostradumass - 49 upvotes - source
My wife said I can sleep on the floor outside of her bedroom if BBBY hits $40 eod. Guys, please. This is huge for my marriage.

Weekly-Tradition2666 - 41 upvotes - source

pronto__squanto - 38 upvotes - source
REMINDER: Today is a RED DAY for the rest of the stock market. That means when we get a green day (tomorrow or Friday) BBBY is gonna take off like crazy. Buy and hold ladies and gents, see ya on the moon

Campbell27 - 34 upvotes - source
The amount of people being skeptical when BBBY goes down just a LITTLE during a green day is worrying because when we inevitably hit a red day (which GME did as well) it feels like a lot of people abandon ship, a lot of newbies here that weren’t around for GME, more scared newbies = more selling than we’d expect, people gotta realize everything going on rn is normal, from surges, short ladder attacks, halts etc.. it all happened with GME except this is bigger, just trust the process

PykcKeksas - 30 upvotes - source
Missed GME, aint missin’ BBBY! Just bought 101! 🍉

asholyow - 28 upvotes - source
man the fact that we are 20% up today & ppl talking abt bbby finished is funny

Mr_DQT - 27 upvotes - source
I really need BBBY to MOASS. Gonna get fired from my job for checking Reddit and my brokerage all day

DxLaughRiot - 27 upvotes - source
Yesterday before close BBBY dipped from $28 to fucking $19 dollars. And then what happened? We woke up to a 30% rally and a brief high of $30 for this run. Keep buying and it’ll keep happening

Ikyox3 - 27 upvotes - source
If you’re not in bbby gambling do you even like money?

There was a lot of prattle around GME too. Here are the top comments:

2donuts4elephants - 56 upvotes - source
FOMO people, listen up. Is iT tOo lAtE tO gEt iN? No. You don't even qualify as being in the fear of missing out stage. Right now you're just flat out missing out. If this is GME 2.0 the market cap for BBBY Has to hit ~22 billion. That's about $250 a share. We know you're watching all the gain porn thinking you missed the rocket ship. You haven't. Get in now. We need you. Apes strong together. We will drive this shit to the motherfuckin Andromeda galaxy. Before you know it, Ole Kenny G will be giving you a blowie behind the Wendy's dumpster.

Campbell27 - 34 upvotes - source
The amount of people being skeptical when BBBY goes down just a LITTLE during a green day is worrying because when we inevitably hit a red day (which GME did as well) it feels like a lot of people abandon ship, a lot of newbies here that weren’t around for GME, more scared newbies = more selling than we’d expect, people gotta realize everything going on rn is normal, from surges, short ladder attacks, halts etc.. it all happened with GME except this is bigger, just trust the process

p4ttl1992 - 33 upvotes - source
GME went from $2 to fucking $300+ and people are cashing out now? Yikes

PykcKeksas - 30 upvotes - source
Missed GME, aint missin’ BBBY! Just bought 101! 🍉

No-Pumpkin-6946 - 25 upvotes - source
WE ARE TRADING GREEN, And people are afriad. I can promise you if this is like GME, we will see a red day before we see the moon. So I ask you one question “DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE MOON OR DIE TRYING!?”

gartereeynu - 19 upvotes - source
Who remembers the GME days when we had to use 3 threads for all of our stupid comments? I WANT THAT WITH BBBY!

KyleSchneider2019 - 17 upvotes - source
***Good day, fellow betting addicts, this is the kangaroo gang with yet another properly legal p&d. Now that we are in war, what is the best way to end it? I am sure you can recognize that we really only have two choices open to us if we want to end this: We can put forward indiscriminate and immediate bull buy orders with unlimited leverage to precipitate a short withdrawal at the lowest levels. Or we can just persist with a never ending stonk hodl mentality, if necessary - through the ape way, which delivers high iv on the regular. Win-win scenario. So, why not both? Let us therefore unite as a nation in a firm and wise policy of real autism–not the autism of porn loss, but autism with honor–not just to fuck looming gay bears in our time, but for generational tendies to come. We meet here at a time of enormous mentally and economically challenged people, sort of meaning great opportunities for most degenerate investors. We meet at a time when we face great uncertainty at home and abroad that will test the strength of our fiber as a worldwide retarded nation, however, we meet also at a time when that fiber has been tested and it has proved itself strong as a diamond. Today, as always in our history, we can base our confidence on what any wife's boyfriend will achieve in the future with the record of what those same wife's boyfriends have achieved in the past just to avoid any position around a Wendy's parking lot. It is never too late to join, choose BBBY, fuck the sigma hedge fucks fud, this is gme 2.0! Nfa, buy the fucking dip and kysfags.***

narcandistributor - 17 upvotes - source
GME took about 3 weeks for the first big squeeze with steadily building volume. I thought that was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but, this is a new era of trading. I have been on the sidelines since GME but I bought 8/19 calls at 20s for BBBY when BBBY was at 10. I exercised and am holding, also doubled down at 23. It is looking good so far. Also bought spy puts eod yesterday.

Zoml3ieTacos - 14 upvotes - source
We're breaking freeee I know all you GME millionaires got more bullets to fire off, I was a bit late to the party but I'm here nowwww

origami_asshole - 12 upvotes - source
If you were in gme you know the feeling, this is it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

Bringing up the rear, you have AAPL:

LuxGang - 10 upvotes - source
Who the fuck is buying AAPL at a 30x P/E while they're growing low single digits? It's absurd

CK_S - 9 upvotes - source
AAPL just won't die. This is so funny.... Nothing about fundamentals at this point.

Ethicocoa - 8 upvotes - source
Buying as much BBBY today, 50 shares and counting. Selling my AAPL profits a bit at a time for spending power!

Dativemo - 8 upvotes - source
AAPL ath soon lol?

Not99Percent - 8 upvotes - source
Still can't believe SPY is down 0.75% when AAPL up 0.75%

freehouse_throwaway - 8 upvotes - source
meanwhile AAPL heading back to ATH

teamdiabetes11 - 7 upvotes - source
AAPL making the case it’s recession proof due to data earlier in the week about customers prioritizing phones over other bills. You can argue about pricing, but the narrative is that they’re stronger in a recession than other places, and so there is money is coming in. Still thinking it falls back to 170-ish in a few weeks though once their new products are shown with less new stuff that people actually want.

CK_S - 7 upvotes - source
AAPL single-handedly saved the market from crashing....

Bennylegend - 7 upvotes - source
AAPL out here curing cancer one green candle at a time

EvaUnit343 - 6 upvotes - source
Lmao wtf AAPL

SPY is being aggressively watched on Reddit as well:

narcandistributor - 17 upvotes - source
GME took about 3 weeks for the first big squeeze with steadily building volume. I thought that was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but, this is a new era of trading. I have been on the sidelines since GME but I bought 8/19 calls at 20s for BBBY when BBBY was at 10. I exercised and am holding, also doubled down at 23. It is looking good so far. Also bought spy puts eod yesterday.

TheSouthFailsAlways - 15 upvotes - source
I'm thinking this will move with SPY today, seems like the whole market is waiting for FOMC right now

45654009 - 14 upvotes - source
Spy calls free money

Watermelon_Permit58 - 14 upvotes - source
#Rotation from spy to bbby

Uisce-beatha - 9 upvotes - source
It'd also help if SPY would quit being a bitch and melt up like it does everyday

Indees - 8 upvotes - source
To all put holders. Spy is going to pump so fucking hard

Not99Percent - 8 upvotes - source
Still can't believe SPY is down 0.75% when AAPL up 0.75%

DerekCourt2025 - 7 upvotes - source
Spy 429 next 40 mins

jtlxcf - 7 upvotes - source
SPY has been between 425.5 and 427 the last several hours. Market clearly waiting on the FED. Everything until now has been white noise

AxemanFromMA - 6 upvotes - source
Spy 430 calls and tqqq and bbby 🦧💎🚀

AMC is currently a focal point on Reddit too:

Accomplished-Dog69 - 15 upvotes - source
Lol what happened to AMC apes? They selling for BBBY?

skeetz456 - 8 upvotes - source
Amc is the only thing red in my portfolio oof

21Dresden - 7 upvotes - source
Apparently the top two posters on the AMC daily thread is a bot they unironically talk to and a guy who says he has a loving family, but spends literally the majority of every day on there talking gibberish about all the drugs he does. Those are AMCs poster boys. Fitting.

DeadLightsOut - 5 upvotes - source
The irony of AMC is fucking amazing

TheWhiteMouse - 4 upvotes - source
Buddy of mine at work asked me. "Hey, the guys tell me you're into stocks. Should buy some AMC?" (this was during the hype train, fyi) I replied "No, I wouldn't touch that shit ever." He didn't listen and I know he bough 4250 shares at $50+. He doesn't talk to me anymore.

swouterrimempire - 4 upvotes - source
AMC puts printing. Easy money

flaccidafterdominoes - 4 upvotes - source
Hedge funds took their anger out on AMC instead of BBBY😂

captainoompa - 3 upvotes - source
AMC is dead, APES in shambles, dilution incoming, run for the hills ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

Mydogistypingthis4me - 1 upvotes - source
Lmao this is exactly the same thing apes were saying with AMC and CLOV for the past year. How are those 2 stonks doing? They there yet? Whatever happened to BB to the moon? CLNE anyone?

No-Philosophy4438 - -2 upvotes - source
Alright, fully loaded on AMC tired of shorts/MMs robbing retail and no other holding I feel has the ability to band together against these criminal HFs.