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Trending on Reddit over the last hour: BBBY, GME, and AAPL

What's happening with BBBY, GME, and AAPL? Reddit is really buzzing over the last hour.
Let's go to the video tape!.

Schwimmbo - 30 upvotes - source
In all seriousness though, I'm a bit confused why some on here are acting as if BBBY is collapsing. It's around -4% ish in PM. Who cares after that massive surge we have seen over the past few weeks? I mean, isn't this expected. If you have puts and they print today, good on you. But don't act as if this is MOST DEFINITELY OVER NOW HAHAHA ENJOY YOUR BAGS IDIOTS!!1!1!!!1!1!1!1!1!1

Shandowarden - 22 upvotes - source

LosingMoney112 - 20 upvotes - source
i just put fucking 200 more into BBBY. To the fucking moons boys. HODL

EmuChance5927 - 20 upvotes - source
Seeing bbby go down just makes me want to buy more ๐Ÿš€

drunktothemoon - 19 upvotes - source

Gandelfas - 18 upvotes - source

drunktothemoon - 17 upvotes - source
for everyone whose intently following the price action, be informed that BBBY has NOT squeezed yet. when/if it squeezes, the price wont go up a dollar a day, it will fukin wipe out shorts who r submerged head first in their short positions. these short companies r strong, have experience dealing with escaping such situations by manipulating prices and news articles, holding out until the excitement wears off or creating panic. but they were caught badly in TSLA, badly in GME, and if this keeps going up at some point will have to cut losses and lead to huge losses for some of them or turn into a melvin capital scenario where they go bankrupt. plus the market cap is so small that longs r not pressured to sell and take profits.

bigpoppag91 - 17 upvotes - source
The classic down 5% open 20% up love to see it $BBBY ๐Ÿš€

Anonymous231478 - 14 upvotes - source
Just found a lucky penny. BBBY gonna soar today

jamesy9555 - 14 upvotes - source
BBBY green by open

There was a lot of hype around GME too. Here are the top comments:

trillo69 - 21 upvotes - source
Borrow fee has increased to 55% and there's even less shares to loan, whoever think this squeeze is done didn't pay attention to GME squeeze in Jan 21.

hgyyyyyyyyyii - 19 upvotes - source
Too dumb to add post text so I belong. Also 170k in 1/23 15C. Not financial advice, I do a share heavy mix with some options for some leveraged upside. Theta fearful Longtime lurker pre-GME, 40k gain on GME. Did not join in on AMC. Hasnโ€™t seen it mentioned much and I know long-term thinking is bannable, but itโ€™s not just the straight ape squeeze to look forward to. What really puts it over the top ๐Ÿš€is the whales / indexing rebalancing. But why need many word when few emoji do trick. TLDR ๐Ÿฆ + ๐Ÿณ ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

drunktothemoon - 17 upvotes - source
for everyone whose intently following the price action, be informed that BBBY has NOT squeezed yet. when/if it squeezes, the price wont go up a dollar a day, it will fukin wipe out shorts who r submerged head first in their short positions. these short companies r strong, have experience dealing with escaping such situations by manipulating prices and news articles, holding out until the excitement wears off or creating panic. but they were caught badly in TSLA, badly in GME, and if this keeps going up at some point will have to cut losses and lead to huge losses for some of them or turn into a melvin capital scenario where they go bankrupt. plus the market cap is so small that longs r not pressured to sell and take profits.

LongJohnBitcoin - 17 upvotes - source
I think people are just tired from the countless failed efforts to stage a GME 2.0 that they donโ€™t recognize the fact that when youโ€™re looking at the sentiment and momentum on here this one really is different from Wish attempt 4 or BB episode 2. Thereโ€™s real momentum behind this. Also so many people missed out on GME the first time that theyโ€™re just ready to will this into existence. Itโ€™s hard to get the ball rolling on a squeeze attempt but once it does, and this one is really starting to roll now, there ainโ€™t no stopping it. It might become bigger than the first GME squeeze or it might not but itโ€™s painfully obvious this is at least the second best thing and a substantial amount of our millions of semi-new members are here for it. Tldr LFG

weaslewig - 2 upvotes - source
You can make money on bbby. But retail was the mark for gme. People who took profits were the minority.

Longjumping_Laugh401 - 1 upvotes - source
I got in at $13 and bought some more at $16. when remembering GME, we just getting started. And if we donโ€™t get Fucked with the disabled BUY Botton itโ€™s going to be 100x more exciting than GME.

FartBoxTungPunch - 1 upvotes - source
The guy that offered to gargle someoneโ€™s balls comes to mind. It was if gme closed above 40 at eod. Mf closed out at 40.08 lol.

thequackerbacker - 1 upvotes - source
>might become bigger than the first GME squeeze or it might not "Might go up or down" Holy shit we have a genius over here

Active_Piglet_7170 - 0 upvotes - source
Idfk why is GME still hyped, the squeeze is over, now itโ€™s just a normal stock

weaslewig - -10 upvotes - source
People still believe gme is going to go back up to peak

Bringing up the rear, you have AAPL:

honeybadger9951 - -15 upvotes - source
Funny how holders of only the shittiest companies like BBBY, GME, AMC behave like total fucking morons. You don't see AAPL or MSFT cultists

AMC is attracting eyes on Reddit as well:

hgyyyyyyyyyii - 19 upvotes - source
Too dumb to add post text so I belong. Also 170k in 1/23 15C. Not financial advice, I do a share heavy mix with some options for some leveraged upside. Theta fearful Longtime lurker pre-GME, 40k gain on GME. Did not join in on AMC. Hasnโ€™t seen it mentioned much and I know long-term thinking is bannable, but itโ€™s not just the straight ape squeeze to look forward to. What really puts it over the top ๐Ÿš€is the whales / indexing rebalancing. But why need many word when few emoji do trick. TLDR ๐Ÿฆ + ๐Ÿณ ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

honeybadger9951 - -15 upvotes - source
Funny how holders of only the shittiest companies like BBBY, GME, AMC behave like total fucking morons. You don't see AAPL or MSFT cultists

COIN is currently a focal point on Reddit too:

shillingdotcom - -5 upvotes - source
I like coin base to 475 and bear stearns yes whos asking