Over 1 Year Ago
4 Min Read

Think Redditors have an Edge? BBBY, WMT, TSLA, and GME are all that and a bag of chips over the last hour

 Reddit is chirping about BBBY, SPY, and GME over the last hour.
Let's go to the video tape!.

Careless-Cry3363 - 30 upvotes - source
Bbby closing over 15 today fuck the bot accounts

Networkishard00 - 29 upvotes - source
Got really luck boyos. Kinda hasn't hit me just yet. Last week I put $750 into BBBY, it dipped and i doubled down with another $750. Friday sold for $9k Today like a degen, I used that 9k for Spy 0dte. Stomached an instant -6k down. Figured I'd lost it Watched it go up to $26k and sold.... $1500 -> $26k, since last monday. Today I violated Webull's GFV, do I need to switch brokers? Should I just buy stocks like a boomer? Should I pay off debt? What u think? Typically my bank account was like $500 for reference. lol

Gandalfs_Shaft48 - 25 upvotes - source
Alright… I’m on the BBBY train

PapaPinner - 23 upvotes - source

flaccidafterdominoes - 22 upvotes - source
I literally went all in on BBBY at 13.00. Honestly This might be my first true retard play in the last 2 years.

derpshark - 21 upvotes - source
$BBBY float ~70m, 78m traded already today with 3 hours left to go. Bullish.

SpaghettiMawnster - 20 upvotes - source
My 20 BBBY banbet expires in 4.5 hours. See y’all next week lol

nismoo2 - 20 upvotes - source
power hour starts now $bbby

BeardlessPete - 19 upvotes - source
I bought 35 shares of BBBY.

Cygnus_X - 19 upvotes - source
just got in bbby for 700 shares. I like this stock!

Next, SPY is blathering:

Networkishard00 - 29 upvotes - source
Got really luck boyos. Kinda hasn't hit me just yet. Last week I put $750 into BBBY, it dipped and i doubled down with another $750. Friday sold for $9k Today like a degen, I used that 9k for Spy 0dte. Stomached an instant -6k down. Figured I'd lost it Watched it go up to $26k and sold.... $1500 -> $26k, since last monday. Today I violated Webull's GFV, do I need to switch brokers? Should I just buy stocks like a boomer? Should I pay off debt? What u think? Typically my bank account was like $500 for reference. lol

HBOMinimum - 20 upvotes - source
Bears: *exist* SPY: 📈

Tachyon9 - 12 upvotes - source
SPY Puts NOW!!! nope SPY Puts NOW!!! Nope SPY Puts NOW!!? Nope

enc-nyc - 9 upvotes - source
Come on SPY give me like -3% day. Is it too much to ask for?

TheSouthFailsAlways - 9 upvotes - source
BBBY cult > SPY cult

fewthingsarerelated - 7 upvotes - source
Maybe the real BBBY were the SPY 0DTEs we missed out on along the way.

erfarr - 7 upvotes - source
SPY at levels not seen since late April ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

Cold_Goose_4242 - 7 upvotes - source
SPY hitting 435 by close

legend6_ - 6 upvotes - source
Last week i lost a lot of money on SPY… this week? Losing even more 😎

tekthebeast - 6 upvotes - source
its inevitable, SPY 430 today

Bringing up the rear, you have GME:

okwhoqueefed - 14 upvotes - source
Supposedly some folks can’t buy BBBY through their brokerage (ex. TD) anymore. I guess they’re running out of shares! Also could be why we’re seeing some stalling. Same shit happened during the GME run. Edit. Might be just large orders, though.

Stinkpretzel - 8 upvotes - source
Ptss psss GME....go you sneaky

ReubenMckok - 7 upvotes - source
Bbby do a gme? :D

stanthemank - 6 upvotes - source
What’s with the increased negative articles about BBBY? Do these bozos really think they can scare WSB into selling? Did they not learn any lessons with GME when the media turned more and more negative, the apes bought more and just held on more and more. Their desperation reeks!

FrozeN-_ - 2 upvotes - source
You would have creamed your khakis if you were here for GME then.

dr1pper - 2 upvotes - source
GME had the same issue until someone manually updated it. These are all auto generated by a spreadsheet

EatMoarTendies - 2 upvotes - source
Which comes first: SPY $500, or GME $150?

Valhalla_or_wendys - 2 upvotes - source
BBBY is the Han Solo of this saga, GME is Luke Skywalker, fill in the rest

LetsRetireThisYear - 1 upvotes - source
Can someone post a chart comparing GME 2021 to BBBY currently

The_Crowing - 1 upvotes - source
Do you think that the movers that short are that stupid, especially after GME? Or, is it more likely they are playing right into that to fleece morons?

TSLA is in the center of attention on Reddit as well:

reddituser1234566789 - 7 upvotes - source
TSLA bout to breakout again

Bang1966 - 6 upvotes - source
![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) sell TSLA for profits and buy BBBY to the moon

Own_Tackle4514 - 5 upvotes - source
Thinking TSLA gets back up to 970 area might be worth a shot to swing a 980c into tomorrow

Pluricultural - 5 upvotes - source
Tsla is such a little wussy

SEBRET - 4 upvotes - source
anyone swinging tsla calls, pull out now and hold the bbby line.

PapaPinner - 4 upvotes - source
Sell everything and go all in on BBBY, not just TSLA

SarcasticTrumpet - 4 upvotes - source
How do you find true 10 baggers? The most I've nailed is a x4 TSLA OTM and I held that for as long as I could. 10 baggers seem only accomplishable from really long OTM leaps or absolute Hail Mary 1DTEs, but I'm probably just retarded

hardcore_softie - 4 upvotes - source
That one analyst has like 25 trading days left for TSLA to hit his sub-$200 price forecast

HK01985 - 3 upvotes - source
Anyone of you took profits from your 8/19 TSLA calls yet?

vCharged - 3 upvotes - source
Damn that $11 TSLA drop in 30 mins. 🤮

WMT is under the microscope on Reddit too:

labradorstock - 6 upvotes - source
Who has WMT calls?

Fuzzy_Scene_8047 - 4 upvotes - source
at this point it doesn't look like the market cares about WMT earnings, they will just buy and believe it's all great either way.

sheffieldda - 3 upvotes - source
Fuck it, just bought 80x 8/19 WMT 152.5c. Worst case scenario I have to get a job at Walmart

OakyTheBear - 3 upvotes - source
Just went all in on WMT 134c for tomorrow. Did I just fuck myself?

essdii- - 2 upvotes - source
That was my thoughts too. Wanted to buy 1k worth of puts on wmt. Completely shut that thought down and just bought calls on uso instead. Which are up 30% so far so. Glad I don’t have to stress

IATEMYDoG32 - 2 upvotes - source
Throw it all on WMT weeklies ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

dayvieee - 2 upvotes - source
Got amzn calls for wmt er

fresh0pl - 2 upvotes - source
!ban bet wmt -3% 1d

atoastedcucumber - 2 upvotes - source
Regarding WMT. All my local PD posts about on social media is how unrelenting theft has been from wal mart stores and how walmart is doing nothing to stop it. I see about 10 posts a month with people just walking out with several big appliances or tvs etc asking to identify them. I would not personally touch wmt.

More_Advertising_383 - 2 upvotes - source
WMT calls or puts TGT calls or puts