Over 1 Year Ago
3 Min Read

Trending on Reddit over the last hour: BBBY, ASTS, and BNGO

Reddit is buzzing about BBBY, SPY, and ASTS over the last hour.
Let's start with BBBY, which has the most buzz. Here's what they're saying:

NimbusMontgomery - 12 upvotes - source
I just left BBBY where I purchased a 24 pack of K-cups that will contribute at least 38 cents to next quarter sales. Do with this information what you will.

lavishcoat - 11 upvotes - source
bbby obviously worth $50+ a share. What you guys think is holding it down? 1.) horrific financials, virtually bankrupt 2.) crime

PussyonToast - 10 upvotes - source
LMFAO ten minutes after I buy 500 shares bbby decides to tank 💀

stonkreview - 9 upvotes - source
Buying BBBY calls again here. Sorry.

Nikvest - 8 upvotes - source
anyone buying BBBY calls with 300%+ IV deserves to lose money 🤡

Livid_Relationship18 - 6 upvotes - source
Should i buy bbby dip for tomorrow?

InvisibleNets - 6 upvotes - source
BBBY about to break free

xbooomin - 5 upvotes - source
Don’t be a baby and buy BBBY

ChartComprehensive94 - 5 upvotes - source
BBBY 15 tm or what?

WallStreetYakuza - 5 upvotes - source
BBBY (Imagine Shrek Dick here)

Next, SPY is shouting:

Glass_Goal7107 - 8 upvotes - source
Congrats bears! SPY hasn’t seen these lows since… *checks notes*… three hours ago!

farty-Micfly - 6 upvotes - source
Spy is an actual pump and dumb.

Xclusiveplaya - 5 upvotes - source
All I ask is one more day of spy pumping and I’m out

VisualMod - 5 upvotes - source
#Ban Bet Lost /u/Zambony69 (0/2) made a bet that SPY would go to 400.0 when it was 411.77 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

AxemanFromMA - 5 upvotes - source
Hope yall got spy calls. V shape incoming

AxemanFromMA - 4 upvotes - source
Buying spy calls here

AbyssUpdate - 4 upvotes - source

AssMoDai - 3 upvotes - source
Sold all my SPY calls for bigly tremendous gains but switching some of that profits to puts now.

animositisomina35 - 3 upvotes - source
SPY going to give us a chance to screenshot 420.69 again 👀

Indees - 3 upvotes - source
Talk to me if spy actually goes red

Ending up, take a look at ASTS which is currently a focal point on Reddit:

International_Age713 - 6 upvotes - source
okay, ASTS is a literal 🚀

Apprehensive_Bat_388 - 6 upvotes - source
Asts ass to ass

Ogd_21 - 6 upvotes - source
ASTS slept on

peppy124 - 6 upvotes - source

jd_0929Bport82 - 4 upvotes - source
Pump ASTS to 13 rn invest it all

Morlar - 3 upvotes - source
ASTS really fell 10% in a min, this will be interesting.

ZealousidealSleep9 - 3 upvotes - source
So WSB is really going to sleep on ASTS AST SPACEMOBILE up 70 % this month ? Lmao 😂 40 % this week 🚀 deals with Nokia and spaceX . How is no one talking ?

TheSouthFailsAlways - 3 upvotes - source
ASTS is gonna be a major disruptor like Starlink if they can get their satellite up and working. My $25c leaps up 75%

Morlar - 2 upvotes - source
I’m gone for a week ASTS really flies huh. Really hate myself sometimes.

sam34gtr - 2 upvotes - source

BNGO is in focus on Reddit as well:

stayfrosty527 - 4 upvotes - source
BNGO wtf

unclebooty - 4 upvotes - source
Looks like BNGO found some support. Time to go up.

HerrJemine123 - 4 upvotes - source
New low ass karma accounts spamming BNGO , fuck off 😄

Designer_Sense_5815 - 4 upvotes - source
Buying more BNGO

SaltStorage7404 - 4 upvotes - source
BNGO big bounce about to happen

Infinite_Pause_7243 - 3 upvotes - source
BNGO.. why not up???

SaltStorage7404 - 3 upvotes - source
BNGO is looking like it’s ready for another moonshot

CarpeLivem - 2 upvotes - source
NVTA went up a lot, now BNGO. The sector is rallying each stock. This happened back in Jan 2021 as well when the memes all rallied.

Dannyburlo - 2 upvotes - source
Short bngo

nicolailudovico - 2 upvotes - source
B…N…G…O… and BNGO was its name, oh, well… 📉

TSLA is in the center of attention on Reddit too:

ItsDijital - 5 upvotes - source
PSA: $TSLQ (inverse telsa etf) calls are wayy cheaper than $TSLA puts.

mba111 - 4 upvotes - source
Bought an 850 PUT on TSLA this morning. Up 60%. It expires tomorrow. If it continues to drop I'm holding into tomorrow, if you can time 1dte options correctly you're looking at 400-500% returns. But you're also risking total loss. But the entire economy is a casino so let's go.

Cold_Goose_4242 - 4 upvotes - source
TSLA put holders about to get eviscerated bahaha

WorkingtoLoseItAll - 4 upvotes - source
Just realized I made a banbet for TSLA 740 when I meant 840. 😅

SarcasticTrumpet - 3 upvotes - source
It'd be crazy if TSLA ended green but I already know I'm fucked

IfImHereWhosThere - 3 upvotes - source
TSLA been real quiet today

SPICYLEMONBUM69 - 3 upvotes - source
TSLA bulls, are you okay ?

Tarek394 - 2 upvotes - source
TSLA 8% down today guaranteed

Byoale66 - 2 upvotes - source
$Nio or $Tsla?

taffy_laffy - 2 upvotes - source
TSLA puts the new TSLA calls