Almost 2 Years Ago
2 Min Read

"We not going to bed. We not here for a bath. We here for whats beyond." - U/iECOMMERCE on WSB this morning

What do BBBY, GME, and BBY have in common? They're all buzzing on /r/Wallstreetbets this morning.

BBBY, BBBY, and BBBY are the stonks to watch today as the buzz is raising the roof on /r/Wallstreetbets, /r/investing, and /r/valueinvesting, respectively.

Overall, /r/Wallstreetbets sentiment is bullish compared to bullish yesterday and bearish the previous week.

At the same time, the top ranked comments today are:

Tsmitty247 - 5064 upvotes - source
Jeffery Yas to Jeffery NOOO real quick

-einfachman- - 4483 upvotes - source
I put critical margin levels at $48, so this isn't too far off if Susquehanna got margin called at this price imo. They have around as much short positions on GME as Citadel. Edit: And guaranteed failed margin calls I put at $63 in my DD (when taking into account credit lines SHFs/brokers could tap into)

tendiesholder - 3277 upvotes - source
Hedgefund back to negative returns fast. We understand infinite loss potential better than you.

__maddcribbage__ - 3060 upvotes - source
For those who don't find TA compelling, this isn't just a couple lines an overly enthusiastic mod associated with a popular snack choice - this is the real deal. Moving Average crossovers are big time legit indicators. At worst, one could argue the cross doesn't hold due to lack of short term support for a stock, but otherwise golden crosses always result in upward movement. And that's just in general, we know GME has more retail support than any other stock in history. **This is BIG!** # EDIT: for skeptics, this graph is showing the *same moving average* crossing over before the sneeze and now. that's the important bit. this isn't like the typical superstonk TA, where the goalposts are constantly moved to sustain hype. these are *DFV's goalposts* being relevant TODAY! Get. Fucking. Hype.

HappyBus8759 - 2949 upvotes - source
It’s a pretty significant technical indicator when the 50 day moving average crosses above the 200 day moving average. It’s also extremely rare. Probably the most bullish of chart patterns, and signals a massive upwards rally is on the horizon. **Edit: This is also probably the first time in history a golden cross has printed with 50%+ of free float DRS’d. Expect fireworks!** **TA/DR…Important small line crosses important big line = 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀**

DoubleFaulty1 - 2400 upvotes - source
Almost any plan that involved buying bitcoin in 2011 could make you a millionaire.

TheGiftnTheCurse - 2393 upvotes - source
TD has zero contact with Gamestop, and directions come from the DTCC.

iECOMMERCE - 2207 upvotes - source
We not going to bed. We not here for a bath. We here for whats beyond.

LordSnufkin - 2197 upvotes - source
Ask for the source. What documents are they referring to when they claim this? Then raise a formal complaint so that this is documented and escalated to Legal and Risk functions. Then notify the ombudsman Edit: Fk these ppl, do not let them get away with it Edit 2: spelling and grammar

Arugula-Unhappy - 2138 upvotes - source
Hold for five years. You won’t make your money back but at least you won’t have to think about it for five years. That’s future you problem. Fuck that guy.

craneoperator89 - 2088 upvotes - source
It’s been one hell of a Monday Explains why they are fighting $45 so hard right now lmayo

nvesting - 2075 upvotes - source
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