Almost 2 Years Ago
3 Min Read

BBBY and GME is monopolizing Reddit over the last hour

The last hour has seen a surge in buzz around BBBY, GME, and SPY.
Without further adou, let's get into the top comments:

Campbell27 - 29 upvotes - source
People who are still bearish on BBBY are mad weird, the stock is still cheap, instead of hating why not join in and surge this mf, people hate to see other people winning, a lot of salty mf in here, BBBY till I fucking die

Psymonthe2nd - 28 upvotes - source
BBBY apes, good news. I am a whale that has come to buy as much BBBY as possible. And by whale, I mean I weigh 400 lbs and have $400 in my bank account.

liblablub - 22 upvotes - source
People who are hating on BBBY are some salty mothefuckers lmao

VisualMod - 15 upvotes - source
#Ban Bet Lost /u/nightingle26 (0/1) made a bet that BBBY would go to 15.0 when it was 11.22 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

labradorstock - 14 upvotes - source
BBBY jump to $12.16 and straight down to $11.11

Kawala_ - 14 upvotes - source
god I want to so bad...$BBBY is the first stock I've ever bought any shares in. I currently have about 57 shares. big part of me wants to put a couple grand in... But a part of me is also telling me to go easy, it's my first time messing with this stuff. FUCK guys. This is bagholder energy for real but FUCK FUCK I don't know

Large-Pirate2396 - 14 upvotes - source
Ok why are people freaking out about BBBY. It’s just basically back to yesterdays trading levels which is 80% up from a week ago. Everyone chill out.

BiigIfTrue1492 - 14 upvotes - source
How mad will bbby bears be when we moon at open😂🤡

One_more_time0 - 12 upvotes - source
Anyone watching this price action on BBBY? It’s jumping from like +10% to 0 percent

There was a lot of chatter around GME too. Here are the top comments:

senorderpenstein - 10 upvotes - source
Cramer is livid with BBBY fud, hedge funds up all last night planning this premarket price attack. They've never had to suppress GME and AMC and the new rookie of the year BBBY all at once. I can't stop laughing. See y'all, I've got a rocket to catch.

HerrJemine123 - 6 upvotes - source
GME getting hammered down in pm

2tonetrance - 5 upvotes - source
Those candles on GME and BBBY at the same time 😂

BiigIfTrue1492 - 4 upvotes - source
People said the same shit about gme shills when it was $10 a share

AllTheDizzyPeople - 4 upvotes - source
This sentiment starting to remind me of GME January 21' I'm out. Someone come get me when the cuckening happens. Too many bots in here

Level_Soup1582 - 3 upvotes - source
This is a repeat of 18 months ago. Even the chatter. It’s like deja vu. Still can’t believe people can’t see what’s going to happen here. Fuck your analysis and your logic. This market doesn’t give a fuck and BBBY is going to squeeze just because and all of the smarmy intellectual counterpoints don’t mean shit here the same way they didn’t for GME

Mr-Cantaloupe - 2 upvotes - source
Sanest GME holder

SmallCapsOnly - 2 upvotes - source
It’s total the “Spider-Man pointing” meme when $BBBY, $GME and $AMC apes call each other shills and I love the hypocrisy of it lmao 🤣

Agent_BlankSlate - 2 upvotes - source
As much as I hate shills, GME is considered OG…if you’re gonna be wrong but somewhat wrong.

SPY is the last stonk attracting eyes:

OhGodThisGuy - 11 upvotes - source
Man, so much meme stock spam. I wish it would go back to the normal WSB and the enlightening, intelligent, and insightful conversations we usually have, such as, "bulls r fuk," "bers r fuk" or "Borat voice my wife's boyfriend" How am I supposed to know the exact moment SPY is absolutely cratering by being down 0.0005% if no one here tells me

AceKrieg - 10 upvotes - source
Only thing holding SPY up is time lol

CaroBoiBenis - 7 upvotes - source
SPY dropping lower than crab pussy

VisibleVirus - 4 upvotes - source
New bears, dance, old bears, no dancing till SPY < 360

Milot25wallst - 4 upvotes - source
!Banbet SPY 350$ 3w

muchdave - 3 upvotes - source
Couple of 400p and 413p expiring Friday. Broke my spy puts cherry yesterday. 😘🐻

DetroitRedWings79 - 2 upvotes - source
SPY looking a lot like it did around June 8th 👀

Vasilan90 - 2 upvotes - source
because they lost money on spy calls

The_BitCon - 1 upvotes - source
as long as CPI is lower than prior reading, this should be taken as bullish, the fed can say "inflation is going down" and slow the rate hiking schedule, we may get a .5bp in sept and .5 afterward. HOWEVER, on the outside chance cpi is higher than 9 (not likely) you can count on the fed hiking to .75bp and the bearish scenario on spy i give your TA a 8.5/10 could have used more charts and lines, i need colors and pictures cause im a helpless child.

bunnibly - 1 upvotes - source
Let's get plungy, SPY

AMC is currently a focal point on Reddit too:

senorderpenstein - 10 upvotes - source
Cramer is livid with BBBY fud, hedge funds up all last night planning this premarket price attack. They've never had to suppress GME and AMC and the new rookie of the year BBBY all at once. I can't stop laughing. See y'all, I've got a rocket to catch.

SmallCapsOnly - 2 upvotes - source
It’s total the “Spider-Man pointing” meme when $BBBY, $GME and $AMC apes call each other shills and I love the hypocrisy of it lmao 🤣

Realistic-Duck632 - 2 upvotes - source
Amc is about to get long squeezed.

senorderpenstein - 1 upvotes - source
AMC with 10x the float and no Cohen can go to $75 but BBBY can't go to $80? Hey everyone I found a Cramer burner.

GroovyTretard - 1 upvotes - source
Guys look at BBBY AMC GME all the same pattern. just a short ladder like they did with GME. No need to panic

Runner299 - 1 upvotes - source
Mfer sneaked amc in there, like we wouldn't notice

__nerman - 1 upvotes - source
Oh, I got puts on that one along with GME & AMC

oystrodoom - -1 upvotes - source
Guys we all know BBBY is better than GME and AMC but what will truly bring the MOASS?!

__nerman - -6 upvotes - source
Meme Death Day GME AMC BBBY