Almost 2 Years Ago
2 Min Read

What they were talking about on /r/Wallstreetbets this morning

The Envelope, Please: The Top Post on Reddit Today Is...

is all about BBBY this morning on /r/Wallstreetbets while BBBY is the apple of /r/investing's eye. Meanwhile, over at /r/valueinvesting, GME is today's top story.

Overall, WSB sentiment is bullish compared to bearish yesterday and bearish the previous week. COIN, NVDA, PLTR were the most bullish while traders are less optimistic about TSLA, SPY, BBY.

Additionally, the top ranked comments today are:

Gangmbrtheta - 2903 upvotes - source
This portfolio is what I imagine everyone on here looks like.

BritishBoyRZ - 2823 upvotes - source
You're assuming people aren't lazy and willing to pay for convenience.

OverwatchShake - 2682 upvotes - source
"We cannot just artificially increase the stock even though the DTCC asked us to. This is not America." "We will make sure it is legal on our end, whatever the hell dance the DTCC is doing is kind of a you problem."

SmartEntityOriginal - 2615 upvotes - source
Normally I'd say OP is full of shit. But looking at the rest of his holdings....... he may just be a legit retard

IIIPacmanIII - 2142 upvotes - source
Ummm so your predicting BBBY will jump last Friday? That’s definitely a powerful tool!!

buzzvariety - 2040 upvotes - source
She's saying GameStop (issuer) can't submit a withdrawal request unless it also receives one from a broker (participant). And in this case, brokers are only withdrawing when their clients tell them to do it (DRS).

Ok_Chest8053 - 1840 upvotes - source
Let me tell you something, buddy. Are you a communist? You sure as hell smell like one. Could smell them a mile away in ‘nam. There is nothing more patriotic than going to the beach. What do you need when you go to the beach? You need a fucking towel. Where you get them? Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It’s an American institution. Fine collection of towels. Make sure you also get a high thread count so you don’t rip your asshole while drying. Also, they sell bidets. Let me tell you something about bidets - most Americans have smelly buttholes. You want to make sure you wash your asshole clean, and then use that towel you bought for your butthole. Oh yea, they sell soaps as well. You gonna have to soap yourself up nice and well too. See, bed bath and beyond gives a shit about us Americans. It reminds us to take a bath, go to bed, and behave ourselves because there is a beyond. This reminds me of my Uncle Tom, when I took showers with him. Great guy, fine person, one of the best, I would know. He hated china. Anyways he told me he would buy all his soaps from bed bath and beyond. He had the cleanest butthole.

CookShack67 - 1759 upvotes - source
Yup. I feel it. Things are going to get spicier and spicier until BOOM

df195 - 1720 upvotes - source
Honestly, if she’s not comfortable taking on risk via shares or loans…do not push this any further. Everyone has a different tolerance for investments and it sounds as if cash/TD’s may be it for her. Mixing money and family is a dangerous business so as much as you are well intentioned, I would tread carefully

floodmayhem - 1692 upvotes - source
DRS is the recall. DRS all your investments to keep full ownership and rights.

FishAye5 - 1655 upvotes - source
In War of the Worlds, our technology wasn’t enough. It was the tiny little bacteria that killed the martians. Tiny little, retail, stock-holding bacteria. We have infected their system and defeated them from within.