Almost 2 Years Ago
1 Min Read

AAL is making big moves today. Find out why the stock is trading -6% lower:

American Airlines Gp (AAL) is trading -6% lower at $14.285 today.

American Airlines Gp has been trading between a 52-week high of $22.35 and a 52-week low of $11.93. The stock has a market cap of $9.28 Billion.

The airline is trading lower today despite beating EPS estimates by $0.02 and revenue estimates by $20M. Revenue rose more than 80% over the previous year, to $13.42M which was a record number for AAL. The $0.76 EPS was also the first time in 9 quarters that they reported a positive result.

American Airlines Group Inc. is the parent company of American Airlines. Together with regional partner American Eagle, American Airlines offers an average of nearly 6,700 flights daily to 350 destinations in 50 countries.


Record revenues: American Airlines reports profits despite jet fuel cost drag
RTL Today 07-21-22

Travels - American Airlines has its best quarter of revenue ever, but profit is down from 2019
Business Mag 07-21-22

American Airlines Earnings: What Happened with AAL
Investopedia 07-21-22

American Airlines returns to profit, flags cost pressure
The Globe and Mail 07-21-22

Recap: American Airlines Group Q2 Earnings
Benzinga 07-21-22

As you can imagine, the internet had a few things to say about the price move. Here's a few choice comments from the Reddit Traderverse™:

stantbrady - 4 upvotes - source
AAL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)?

stantbrady - 3 upvotes - source
Are AAL calls really a play?

Milot25wallst - 3 upvotes - source
I think I’m going to get rekt with my stupid AAL calls

TinyPP4U - 2 upvotes - source
My AAL $16 calls expiring Friday will print bigly on earnings tomorrow

Milot25wallst - 2 upvotes - source
$AAL ANALysts expecting profit for the first time in 10 quarters . 🤑💵💼💰🦅🇺🇸

dogebonoff - 2 upvotes - source
You owe me $78 if the AAL lottos I just bought don’t print ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

comancheranche - 2 upvotes - source
Hoping AAL posts good earnings tomorrow. Got some LUV calls hoping it will move with its momentum lol. So far pretty fked from united tho

Logan_922 - 2 upvotes - source
Lmao this AAL guy looks shocked they met eps💀

TinyPP4U - 1 upvotes - source
AAL get your plays in before earnings tomorrow

LavishnessTimely7372 - 1 upvotes - source
Need RIOT to moon and AAL to tank