Almost 2 Years Ago
1 Min Read

Think Redditors have an Edge? JPM and ARKK are poppin' over the last hour

Some comments Reddit is talking about over the last hour. Again.
Let's go to the video tape!.

GroundbreakingLynx14 - 1 upvotes - source
Dimon pauses $JPM share buybacks. If JPMorgan is unwilling to buy shares, what makes anyone believe investors will?

hugyvkkgibbg - 1 upvotes - source
I havnt done any research into the actual value i think it should be worth so I cannot pick a side, but I definitely would not be long any ark funds personally, they’re so bullish they make wsb look like gay bears They share some of their dd for free if u Google like “ark dd research” it’s probably top link, they have zoom growing at 75% CAGR every year for 5+ years….. coming to a final value of $1500, which seems crazy to me The ARPU grows insanely, user base grows insanely, Considering all the free options compared to zoom and the fact the big tech companies will shove harder for market share if it grows anywhere near as much as they’re claiming (unlikely), I would definitely lean towards shorting but again I havnt looked at what the value I think is fair should be I’d rather spend tendies on hookers than paying to become a major coin base bag holder in some degenerates fund